Human Prospects Don't Match The Facts

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Humans often judge something in terms of understanding based on the logic experienced, not based on rationality in the real sense.

In reality, humans are trapped in hypotheses and make things not fit the facts. only holding on to the wrong prospects can eventually lead to a cornering of self-esteem.

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Educationally it must be understood that the level of education is often a reference for understanding something that has a deep purpose or meaning.

When someone sees the reality that occurs from God's creation, they often say that God is unfair because His creation is inconsistent and full of differences.

Someone saw a plant that was created based on his own understanding, he said that it is really ironic this creation pumpkin plant that creeps on the ground has great fruit.

Then he looked around and saw a mango tree which had a big trunk with a height of almost 50 meters and had strong branches and he saw its fruit which was so small, he said truly God is unfair.

Small plants (pumpkins) have large fruit, while large trees (mangoes) have small fruits. he said again, apparently God did not have a mature calculation concept to create plants.

He sat and leaned under a mango tree that was so big, and finally he fell asleep. when he fell asleep the wind was so strong that it hit the mango tree and finally the mango fruit that was on the branch fell and hit his head. he woke up from his sleep because he felt quite a pain in his head when the mango fell.

He then thought again, maybe he had misjudged that God was not fair to His creation. what if this big tree bears big fruit like a pumpkin? maybe now i'm dead.

This is the wrong way that humans is often think that is not based on real calculations and has a definite purpose.

Humans are always required to think comprehensively so as not to be wrong to determine the right direction. the existence of everything in life in this universe must be deeply understood.


The description above teaches us to always explore in depth the story that happened. because everything that happens has meaning and has its own purpose. Don't act smart in public but always be humble.

Thank you reader!!

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$ 1.21
$ 1.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @FarmGirl
$ 0.02 from @jasglaybam
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I have met with a lot of people whose thinking is not based on facts, just blinded by their egoistic beliefs.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I am also like that because everyone has thoughts that have strengthened them based on their own understanding. quite hard to come to terms with the thoughts. it's good we just keep the attitude. my friend, thank you for providing the experience.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's us, humans, lol! But we do learn and improve our thinking in the process

$ 0.03
2 years ago

yes it is true we must continue to learn to analyze precisely everything. so that the final decision is always correct and not rushed. but we also have to understand that our life always has a limit. so learning is the key. thank you friend this argument is right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago