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Sorry to all my friends, because in the last few days I haven't seen all of you big family because I'm busy in choosing leaders in my village so time is wasted, I don't want to just watch and leave without a trace because I'm a loyal person and not a coward who has to leave without leaving appreciation for a person who is good and has a good image of everyone.

Carry on..

Since yesterday I have become a militant person to support my prospective leader, all the efforts I have made have been devoted to my candidate who has good goals for the next work program. Time, energy, thoughts have taken all my soul for me to devote to changes in my village but the reality and God's will I have to admit because our candidate did not succeed and failed in the calculation of the vote.

I became deeply saddened when I legally saw the results of the vote that made my head bow and tears in tears when the committee announced the final results that drowned the hopes and aspirations of almost all supporters. irresistible eyes.

This final result has made many stories and even many opposing parties mocked us with this defeat but my pride and appreciation seems that they have followed my way not to cause riots and chaos in my village or go to the opposing side and fight each other physically. As someone who understands the hearts of all supporters, I always give a message to everyone in my tent to calm the heart that is burning and fiery because of this defeat.

My story and my advice have indeed made them feel relieved but the attitude of disappointment does exist in everyone including myself but because of the Gentleman attitude that I have, I have to accept this wholeheartedly without any provocation on the other side.

It's possible that if my candidate wins this election, they will certainly create chaos that will attack our supporters because their supporters are ambitious. One thing that irritates me is when they attack with their mouths and through social media about my candidate who they think is someone they don't know but I always respond with a smile.

The defeat of my candidate was hard for us to accept but high attitude and sportsmanship have become part of our supporters and that's why they have to stay in their tents and keep quiet. This is the attitude of sincerity that has overcome the ambition of our supporters and that is the TRUE WIN.

$ 0.93
$ 0.55 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Ling01
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
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Acceptance is the key for all of this. WE don't always win and even though it's hard and painful it is, especially you put so much effort on it, that it okay. Move on and let's continue our lives.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you my friend, everything has ended and everything that has happened I have accepted it with all my heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know it was hard to accept but it's fine, Sometimes we don't always win in each fight we fight. Cheer up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hello my friend, I also feel sad but defeat must be accepted because being a true supporter is to sincerely accept every defeat that occurs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its hard to accept honestly but we need it ,hoping and praying that the new leaders will do thier responsibilities for the goods in your place and the people.Happy first day of June friend🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also hope that the elected candidate can continue the leadership of the government in our village. Happy first day of the new month too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It pains to see who you're supporting loose, yes it pains a lot. All those troll and talks against opposing parties are normal, they're what makes election an election. We don't take it to heart

$ 0.00
2 years ago

defeat is a common problem and it's useless if you keep it in your heart, maybe it's better to think about positive things at work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago