Garbage And Fire Of The World, Hereafter

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Cleanliness is part of health, perhaps this word is widely known by some people because a dirty place and a lot of garbage is a gathering place for bacteria and germs that can cause humans to contract diseases. "There are many ways to make trash go away from the earth but there are also many ways people can make trash useful and there are also many ways people make trash to attack other people."

Many people call for good voices to eradicate waste so that the environment is protected and protected from pollution, but the awareness of some people does not always provide change but adds to the problem from time to time. The environment feels like there is no life anymore when garbage is scattered from corner to corner, even the madness of everyone throwing garbage on roads, sidewalks, yards, shops, old buildings etc. This is undeniable because of the fact that some people do not have a sense of togetherness and know the life of a small baby and still in their womb will experience a difficult situation when they open their eyes and see the world.

z This is the trash of the world that has been burned
The environment is clean and the world's trash has been burned.

This is so that today when enjoying the rain that fell in the cold that felt very pervasive in the body, the temperature became cold so it crossed the mind to warm the body by seeing the garbage scattered in the backyard so I collected the existing garbage and when the rain had stopped I started making small bonfire to wash away the scum and filth of the world. Wet and dry garbage when it is in a fire will definitely burn and charred will not be left at all that's how great the fire will not recognize anyone who gets close even iron can melt when the heat of the fire burns the iron hard.

The fire is getting hotter to be ready to burn

There is so much waste in the world, not only plastic materials and raw materials that can rot, but also toxic materials that can damage the environment that affects living things, plants, humans and animals. The waste of the world is also in social life in the world community, corruption, collusion, and nepotism have penetrated the body of every human being which must be cleaned so as not to disturb and harm others. Cheating and deception is the scum of the world which should be cleaned up and don't hold back when we see it because it will spread like a deadly virus to many people. The importance of fire to burn as well as the law that must be enforced fairly regardless of the crown of the world.

The world may be full of garbage but remember that the fire of the world and the hereafter will await the souls who are ready to burn and scorch.

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Saved by the rain!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, that's right, it will all be erased by the rain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago