First Try

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Ultimate goal expedition achieving complex goals becomes an important part of success. the development of knowledge learned with field practice is very important to build an amazing scientific work.

Humans are looking for solutions to find an innovation that can be recognized and used in sustainable living for the future.

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The level of human intelligence from the stone writing era to the digitalist era, gives advice that every second humans in the world have contributed ideas to add to the world's phenomena.

But have you ever thought that the beginning of discovery is an experiment until it becomes perfect. someone who first holds a gun and fires a bullet surely the initial shot isn't going to the main target, but he can make a shot. the meaning here is "humans are capable but must require a process."

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The advanced level here is that humans have to think of ways by looking at early experimental examples. when someone puts a trap to catch mice but it doesn't work, that's when the human brain goes to work and sees why it doesn't work? when re-examining and finding the problem that's when the solution will emerge.

The point here is that when humans find problems in the early stages, perfection for an invention will be achieved.

So, initial experimentation is very important to achieve something complex.

Likewise in the life you live, when you start something and accept failure you should be grateful because that is actually the answer. why do i say this is the answer? because "from failure you will understand the error and from the error you will understand the truth."

Never stop to keep experimenting. because that is the starting point you will be known to many people and become successful. "If you give up when it's hard, no one is successful today."

Never stop to keep trying because that's 
where you will get maximum results. 
starting point is a sign 
that you can do it. a bridge between
being and not being.

Thank you for reading!!

I hope this is useful for the next life.

Greetings healthy and keep the spirit!!

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$ 0.33
$ 0.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @gertu13
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