Does Working in a Virtual World Have a Future?

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1 year ago
Topics: Work, Virtual, Future

Since I was a child, I mean when I started to understand about living in the world, my mother always taught me that education is important, for the future. Because, by taking education, I can develop my skills and have a diploma to get bigger and better job opportunities.

In this case, actually the purpose of the teaching given by my mother turned out to have its own meaning or purpose. After I studied it, it turned out that the hidden intention was that "My Life Will Be Better Than Theirs", in other words, my mother didn't want my life to be like theirs, who had to work hard, rain and shine, day and night.

However, the world continues to change, all patterns of life also change from time to time, so that various old arguments are abandoned because they are starting to disappear, as a result of being influenced by changing times.

Current work does not lie in ability but also in creativity, you are a creative person in the digital world and can apply it in the virtual world, so you have got a job.

However, with the mushrooming of jobs in the virtual world, the argument arises, does this job have a future? like someone who works in the real world who has definitive rights or permanent workers, has a certain wage and work period or contract. In this case, work in the virtual world, can it be promising or is it just a side job?

Many people leave jobs in the real world because of their low income and switch to the virtual world, buying all the equipment, such as computers, cameras, cellphones and wifi, to fulfill the completeness of work. But can all of that last long? The changing times will answer it...

"Think about it carefully, which will be a regular job, in the real world or in the virtual world?Decisions are a continuation of life, present and future."


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Avatar for pajeroz
1 year ago
Topics: Work, Virtual, Future


For me, I still want to work in real real life than virtual, because I can't stay longer in front of screen. But, whatever job we have, it's always good to give our best.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Having an education is good. But what I observed it is important also to be more hardworking and dedicated to the job we are doing.

$ 0.00
1 year ago