Can I Understand?

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I got to know the crypto world from the middle of 2017 to be exact in July, the beginning which was very confusing to understand how some coins work and how to get them. Some references I collect to support the way I think and interpret everything. As a beginner, I prefer visual videos to make learning materials more efficient because video shows can be directly practiced.

When I started to understand how it works, I started by creating accounts from various platforms that are recognized and licensed by the government and supervised by several state institutions that carry out the task of protecting the platform so that users or members involved in investing can feel comfortable and safe when making transactions. trade transactions or store digital assets.

In Indonesia there are several state institutions that oversee crypto market platforms but from these supervisory institutions all I know is BAPPEBTI. This institution oversees several commodities including crypto coins, users including myself feel very safe storing and trading crypto coin assets because has a strict supervision system from legal entities. That's the supervisory system in Indonesia that I can understand and have learned, well let's continue.

Connected to the crypto world at first I found it very easy when watching some video shows on youtube which gave an understanding of creating an account, trading, storing assets and finding some free coins, the fun I felt made me commit to devote almost 85% of my time to surfing the world crypto because it coincides also I have not got a job in the real world.

Time goes on coin after coin I have been collecting but my brain is almost hard to digest when some video footage presents some documentation about decentralized coins like bitcoin cash, network and NFT which almost makes my head explode because it is so hard for me to understand. The emergence of Defi and Multiple coin networks made me like a kid who was still studying in elementary school who didn't know about addition and multiplication.

This situation almost made me withdraw from the world of coins because I couldn't understand deeply but I didn't give up on the situation, for almost 5 years in the digital asset room my brain began to fill up little by little even though I didn't understand it 100% but at least the struggle to gain knowledge had I go through. I had time to think and ask myself, Why doesn't the government open a regular learning system, especially in the field of digital assets or crypto coins? such as learning that is carried out in college because actually this is a great opportunity to open a livelihood for some people when it is difficult to get a job in the real world due to the influence of the pandemic and inflation that affects the economy which has an impact on the world of work.

When my understanding began to develop about the world of crypto and other digital assets, it turned out that headaches and dizziness came back into my mind when some time ago I was surfing on twitter and reading a post from a famous person @MarcDeMesel about portfolio.


I thought that maybe this time I would go back to elementary school again to get a lesson about portfolios. Do I understand about this? maybe yes and maybe no but this is very difficult, what I feel right now is entering the crypto world not only knowing about how to collect coins, networks, decentralization, NFT and so on but I realize at this time that knowledge in the world of coins is very universal and requires long enough to fully understand to 100%. It might be very difficult to do it because it seems like multi-tasking is very difficult for me because of the image of a blogger who almost every day thinks about and makes articles for publication, time does feel very tight because if you make the wrong decision then work in the real world and blogging will be very difficult to balance.

Based on this experience I can understand that why some people don't know more about the world of coins in depth because it is possible that their time is wasted with other work even though they are already in the digital coin room.

Understanding or not understanding depends on us to learn to understand it, Time is indeed available for us to use but forcing something will make the mind become stressed.

Slowly but surely maybe short sentences are suitable for understanding cryptocurrency properly.


$ 0.07
$ 0.03 from @HappyBoy
$ 0.02 from @Alther
$ 0.01 from @FarmGirl
+ 1
Sponsors of pajeroz


Crypto is so complicated to understand even had been trying too😂. Yet I think I haven't get even the 1/4 of knowlegde needed

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree with you friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Since 2017 you know already about the trading my friend. I was amazed. I don't know the world of trading my friend. My mind is always loading with that kind of thing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It is very difficult for me to understand it but I will not give up to keep learning to understand it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago