Brain Fight

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It's ridiculous at this time for me to feel something that is not crazy even the turmoil of the burden of thought is almost unstoppable at this time. Maybe you'll laugh if I'm feeling Brain Fight sounds pretty weird right now but it's the conclusion I feel that makes me stop walking along the way. I say brain fight because right now my head is about to burst with a lot of burden, pressure, can't concentrate, can't focus, calm and peace turns into illusion, consistency is lost and everything feels like chaos is going on in my head.

Because of this problem the position to conclude an idea is just a fantasy because there is no feeling of uncertainty that continues to ravage the memory of the mind the position of running to reach the final destination is unlikely to find the finish line because the closer the eye looks, the further the feet go as if there is no longer a driver determine the path and direction through the valleys and steep hills.

Everything happened the last few days maybe I have forgotten something that brought me peace and tranquility. The heart feels whipped with fine rattan wood and a pain is felt on the pressure of the heart so that it beats continuously like a frightened person in a pitch black night.

This is the first time I feel something like this, it feels like everything is lost and no longer takes sides in me. I keep trying to fight this situation but because of the compulsion of this mind that creates conflict in my head, negative suggestions come from hearing and feelings wrap up positive thoughts.

Awareness is no longer in place I become lazy to do the habits I often do. Sitting and walking like I can't feel the exhaustion everything doesn't feel like the smell of coffee that is lost from the kiss of a person with respiratory disease everything becomes empty and useless.

The ticking of the wall clock continues to rotate on its axis but I do not feel the deeds and actions that I am doing right now even though when I wake up in the morning I remember having woken up earlier but my mind and brain have indeed affected my body and soul.

It's time for me to bow down and pray to God because at this time my life is uncertain and I realize humanly I am a limited person and can't be perfect time has been wasted because of this mess. Strong rebuke came in my life because happiness I have forgotten Him and when sadness I look for Him I really am an ungrateful human being to the Almighty. It seems that I am someone who has been able to stand alone because of my selfishness which has snatched my humble personality. In fact, everything has gone out of control. Brain battles have resulted in the idea of ​​diamonds being swallowed up by the earth and may never come back to adorn my diary on

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I don't know what to tell you to make you feel better, since when we go through those moments, there is nothing that someone can solve for us. What I can tell you is that you do not give up, that in any

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've been trying to get through all of this maybe it's hard for me to return to normal but I believe hope is always there because of that I can survive, thank you friends who are currently my idol I hope you are also in good condition.

$ 0.00
2 years ago