Big Results From Big Capital

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Kind regards !

Maybe you have walked in the area of ​​​​a building that has been built as a tourist spot or a building yard surrounded by rectangular stone structures covering the courtyard area as a place to walk and footrests.

Image Source

Maybe you just walk and focus on your destination, but have you ever thought that where did the footrest come from?

Paving Manufacturing Processing

Yesterday I visited my friend's house, he is my office friend who has a paving business. The location is quite far from my house but because of my desire to see the process of making paving then after finishing my office work I went to his house.

He has a large tool that was sent from abroad, the tool is quite large and maybe the price is very expensive. This tool uses electricity and does not use fuel so it does not cause pollution.

The work of making paving does not have to wait long like the manufacture of bricks that must be dried manually from the sun's rays, but this tool becomes a very strong press so that hundreds or even thousands of paving molds can be made all day. This business has had an impact on his family because there are so many orders from within and outside the region. This is a very good business but it must also have a large enough capital. This business is growing rapidly because this business is the only one in our area so the monthly income or turnover from this business is very large.

Big results require big capital

Maybe that's the sentence I concluded from the results of my visit, that in the economic field, which always talks about small businesses getting big results, this may have to be reversed because times have changed the image of a business.

Images are mine, unless stated to a source

I previously published this article on Hive


$ 0.43
$ 0.34 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Bloghound
$ 0.03 from @HappyBoy
+ 1
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Indeed. Truly, what you planted is what you'll earn, thus, how big you've planted is how big you'll earn.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Success will always be measured by the sacrifices incurred, the mental is very influential if at a certain time the effort is not as expected.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Totally agree!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If we don't take risks, how will we know we're going to succeed? Nice to see you again, my friend!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

true mother, the risk will also lead us to success and we will also understand the meaning of sacrifice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're right, we should take risks and if we want to have more profit we should invest more and be wise all the time.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Maybe the risk is big enough friend but if we want to grow then we have to sacrifice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I strongly agree with you, if we want to accomplish great things, we need to invest more. Putting more capital into our business will yield more profit. I still don't know what those pavs are used for. Mind telling me ?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I also thought about that, so basically we will get a big income when we sacrifice big capital for a business. thank you my interesting friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago