Are Happiness and Suffering Destined or Must Be Found?

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It's really dramatic human life in the world, to be honest I have missed some of the annual calendars that hang on the walls of the house. Imperceptibly, the third month in 2023 continues to change, along with the changing times, the rising and setting of the sun. Entering the Easter celebrations, it made me realize how great God's love and sacrifice are in my life and also those of my brothers and sisters in the faith. Everyone is afraid of the word "suffering", including me. Hard times, sadness, bitterness, failures come without invitation, even when conditions are not possible. It would be ridiculous if someone said that tomorrow or an hour later, he would know what would happen to him. If possible it can be done, then that person will avoid suffering and will enjoy happiness.

Many circles and even human beings in the world inspire that it is human nature to feel suffering and happiness. You might say that too, but my brain continues to evolve. Is it true, every human being will face suffering and happiness, in a different or the same time period. Specifically, I said that can a person feel suffering or happiness without taking action or movement? It would be ridiculous to say that someone would feel suffering or happiness. If so, how about the statement above? can it be maintained?.

Between suffering and happiness are two mysterious things, this is my opinion, maybe you have a different opinion. Until now I have also experienced real suffering and happiness. But as time goes by, I don't care about this anymore because I keep moving and taking action all the time. LFG (Let's Fucking Go), every condition is good or bad, I always try to have fun. Because basically, I will never understand what will happen tomorrow, about suffering and happiness.

In fact, these two things will always be missed and also feared by me and you. So, do you know when you will experience happiness and suffering?

Thank you for reading!


$ 0.86
$ 0.70 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @tired_momma
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When theres no hardships that we experienced in the past it only means that we still not learn. So when there's suffering there's a happiness that will find and have

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I like your concept and way of thinking, it talks about the consequences when someone lives in the world. Between the learning process, cause and effect. Thank you friend

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Suffering and happiness is part of our daily living.For me doing good things in this world will brings you a lot of happiness .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

one answer, as encouragement for a better life. Thank you mother, may you always be blessed with your family.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We can never tell when and how but we must prepare ourself if ever suffering may happen.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This answer is logical, thank you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago