why starting this challenge ?

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3 years ago

52 days writing challenge to explore and improve my writing skills and abilities

"if you don't see the book on the shelf, write it. "

-Beverly Cleary

so i found this challenge on pinterest and thought why not try it ?

one of the reasons why i wanted to start this, is not just to improve my skills but mostly to free my mind and pour my thoughts where people ca so but also say what they think .

i would say that i closed on my self for about 6 years and its high time to pour what was stored in my organic cave (if that a way to call it ) ,despite my poor skills and vocabulary , i l'll do my best to make my thoughts clear and reachable in the best way i cant .

how ever i'm not going to just write randomly and pick my topics just to fill my time , i want it to be useful while i'm respecting the rules here .

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3 years ago
