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2 years ago

Friend-zoned. For many, this is a disappointment. We've all experienced the agony of unrequited love. That person you're interested in dating, but she only wants to be friends with instead.

Let me tell you about a time when I was friend-zoned.

Let me start by describing my crush. First and foremost, she has the appearance. I couldn't help but stare at her every time I saw her. My heart continues to beat faster and quicker. It's like an angel that has fallen to earth. Second, she is well-mannered. I can tell she was properly raised and has acquired her parents' values. Fortunately, I am a friend of hers, and I have seen personally how wonderful her family is. She fears the Lord Almighty, and she is afraid of her parents. Third, she possesses wisdom. I'm astounded by her intelligence. She is the one I know that will likely become who she wants to be or be successful in life, because of her determination and passion in her studies.

In a nutshell, she has it all. She is stunning both inside and out. That's why I have a crush on her, especially because she has such a nice personality.

February 05, 2021, a year ago, I had no intention yet of confessing my feelings, but she asked whether I had feelings for her, if I had a crush on her. I couldn't think of anything to say after 10 seconds of blocking out…. And yeah, I did say yes.

I was curious as to where she got the idea to ask it, so I asked. She said that my actions are obvious and that anyone could see that I care for her. She thanked me and said she wasn't interested in those things yet. And she added that we will leave things as they are and that she is delighted to be one of my friends.

Yes, that is difficult to accept, but what can we do? We can all agree that it's uncomfortable. What should you do if something like this happens to you?

After a few days, I've come to some realizations.

Rather than focusing on getting out of the friend zone, embrace it. It's preferable to be somewhere than nowhere at all. Let go and respect the friendship for what it is if you like this person for who they are. It is not a disadvantage to be friends with someone you genuinely enjoy. The friend zone is an end goal in and of itself and a successful one. We could stop here and end the story.

It's not a character flaw on their or your part if someone isn't attracted to you, no matter how huge your crush was or all the great and romantic things you imagined of doing with her someday. There is someone out there for everyone and finding that person also involves being that person.

A solid friendship is the foundation of any excellent and long-lasting romantic connection between two people.  You'll be ready to be one half of any fantastic relationship once you discover the proper person for you if you learn to love being true friends with someone.

So, the next time a girl you like tells she simply wants to be friends, remember this. Take her up on it and be her friend — not only to see if she'll change but because she cares about you and wants to be with you.



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Avatar for opacarophile
2 years ago


Being in a friendzone sure is hard and maybe painful for some. But, you're right. We have to accept it. If we truly love someone, we will love them even when they do not feel the same about us. I'm cheering for you

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2 years ago