Climate Emergency

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3 years ago

I don't know whatever next! If we don't cut our carbon emmisions to net zero within a decade we will all be living underwater soon.

Global leaders are full of so much hot air!

This week the front page of every newspaper here in the UK was a picture of the raging wildfires in Greece and a woman crying out as the fires had destroyed her village.

Of course these events are sad and distressing for those affected however Greece is a hot country during August and wild fires have always been common.

Every single time there is a flood, fire or other weather related disaster of any kind it is always said to be because of man made climate change.

Is that really the case, does the weather not have natural cycles which it goes though. The weather has always been changeable.

Its funny that this 'climate emergency' will also mean that we will all need to move to driving electric cars soon, more green taxes will be introduced for businnesses which pollute too much, we will all need to upgrade our boilers and have more efficient light bulbs.

Its almost as if it is being used as a method to keep us hard working people of the world constantly needing to consume, upgrade and buy new products all the time. Kind of handy for the economy then as well then.

Never mind that getting rid of lithium ion batteries at the end of their life is difficult, the raw materials for battery technologies are mined in dangerous ways by poorly paid people in the third world and the electricity needed to charge these batteries does not come out of thin air but from power stations which pollute the atmosphere.

Surely the best way to keep our carbon emmisions low would be to make the things we currently have last longer. The energy used to produce a medium sized new family car will produce on average more than 15 tonnes of CO2. In other words it may be better for the enviroment to keep your old car on the road for longer as it will take many years to see the benefit of driving an electric car if you take into consideration the carbon emmisions involved in building a new car in the first place!

I do think that we should look after our planet and think about our energy use and how much we send to landfill each week. Its tragic that much of the plastic we send for recycling is shipped off to the far east and then often burned illegally as it is cheaper to get rid of it this way than actually recycle it. The chemicals released by burning this plastic are highly toxic and terrible for the enviroment.

Here in the west many people are oblivious to the fact that we are simply exporting our plastic waste problem to the far east.

I don't know how much impact man has made on the climate for certian. There are many scientists who are skeptical that the warming of the planet is entirely man made, though many are afraid to speak out as they may lose their jobs, have their funding for university cut, or be subject to persecution in other ways for daring to question the official narrative.

Once this current pandemic has finally been brought under control I wonder what the next reason could be to keep us all indoors and restrict our freedom to travel.

Could it be a 'Climate emergency'

My own article

Pictures courtesy of Pixabay

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3 years ago


This pandemic has created more waste. Mask, gloves, swabbing kits, ppes - we are using them a lot that we are using more and thus they were being manufactured more. Also, online shops and deliveries have added to that by the plastic they packed the items. We are creating more and more wastes every day. We can only recycle some and repurpose some but that's just a small portion.

It's sad to see news of forest fires happening everyday and other natural disasters.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Very true, all those disposable masks used once then thrown away, such wastage. Things are also not made to last these days, we don't bother fixing things as it is often cheaper to buy a replacement, which creates more waste.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The issue of climate change always generates controversy because there are many economic interests at stake. I hope it won't be too late when the power groups decide to do something about it.

Regarding whether the governments will use it as an excuse to force us not to move again. It's hard to say. But some governments could be tempted at least use it as one more excuse to oppress the people.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I guess its impossible to know for sure what may happen in the future. I think that this will be a huge issue over the next decade. Another way that governments may opress us is by forcing people to use central bank digital currencies, they could implement expiry dates on the coins which in a time of financial crisis would force us to spend our money to stimulate the economy. Thats why we need decentralised cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin Cash, then we can have a means of trading outside of the system. Its clear that the banks see crypto as a threat. They will try to regulate, but I wonder if they will suceed. I am hopeful that crypto will go from strength to strength and help people to achieve true financial sovereignty.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Agree with you. Cryptos are the way to financial freedom. In Venezuela, the government has tried to impose certain restrictions on cryptocurrencies. But mainly to obtain information from the people who use them. I don't think here they will be in favor of a prohibition. The government sees cryptos as a way to try to evade the sanctions imposed by the US, so they take advantage of them.

On the other hand, the CBDC they launched some years ago has been a failure. People don't use it except for some procedures related to the government. And that at least is an indication that people are clear that a CBDC is not a cryptocurrency.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

It is indeed alarming, our wastes most especially. We can only do so much ourselves but I think it will greatly have an impact when everyone will do their part. Here in our home, we recycle plastics and use them as flower pots or even to plant some veggies. But because plastic takes a long time to decompose, they will always be around for many years to come. It is good though that we see some changes around us, like the use of plastic bags getting abolished or banned.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Thats a great idea to recycle your plastics as flower pots, I might have to try that for myself too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, you may try and if you're feeling creative, you can design them according to your liking :)

$ 0.01
3 years ago