Brave New World Order

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3 years ago
Topics: Control, Climate, Life, Politics, Future, ...

The classic novel 'Brave New World' which was written by Aldous Huxley in 1931 is all about a futurisic society in which citizens are conditioned by the use of drugs, phycological manipulation and sleep learning amongst other things control people.

The world which is created in 'Brave New World' is dystopian and the citizens never seem to question the 'World Controllers' motives. As long as the can have pleasures and a constant supply of 'Soma' which is given out freely and produces feelings of euphoria and happiness.

One person name John in the novel dares to stand up and seek the truth behind the system that the 'World Controllers' have created even if that would cause him to suffer. He had decided that he would know the truth than life an easy life of pleasure.

John fails in his mission and it doesn't end well for him.

The world controllers are an immensly powerful group of people, who go to great lengths to maintain order, they will not give up that power easily.

The world in which we live today has many similarities. Many people never want to seek to find out the truth and look deeper into the motives of world governments, and big pharma for example.

They are instead content to distract themseves by seeking pleasures, consuming alcohol, watching pointless trash on television or taking drugs which all have the effect of numbing peoples ability to think clearly and analyse things. Their critical thinking skills are diminised they do not question things.

Antidepressant drugs are also given out by doctors to make people feel better.

I wish not to be too cynical here and realise that in some cases these medicines may be of some use and have a positive effect though people end up relying on the medicines, doctors and state instutions to solve all their issues.

The education system for example conditions people from an early age to think in a certain way which may not necessarily be correct.

They are trained and indoctrinated to become obedient citizens to comply, consume and conform.

Globalism is becoming a powerful force, organisations such as the 'World Health Organisation' have a great deal of influence. Many countries around the world have signed up to the 'Paris Climate Agreement' which has the aim of cutting carbon emmisions to net zero in the near future for every country on the planet.

This will have a huge impact on the way we live by forcing us to buy new cars and appliances and taxing us more if our emmisions are too high.

Maybe it will save us from an enviromental disaster but how much of global warming is due to mankind is a matter of debate.

Take the current pandemic into account as well. The goal is to vaccinate the whole world. This will set a precedent for future pandemics too, which are bound to come.

Technology has played a big part in giving governments around the world all the tools they need to constanly monitor us but we don't seem to care much about this, so long as we can have our pleasures, drink alcohol or suppress our minds by other means then we are content.

We need to be vigilant! we need to be aware of what is going on. the 'World Controllers' have us exactly where they want us, we think that they are always acting in our best interests.

But they are deceitful about their motives, their goal is power, absolute control and world domination.

The brave new world and the new world order seem to be mighty similar!

Article is my own

Pictures courtesy of Pixabay

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3 years ago
Topics: Control, Climate, Life, Politics, Future, ...
