Bike Adventure

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3 years ago
Topics: Journey, Bike, Adventure, Nature, Canal, ...

Along the canal to London

Yesterday I had a day off work and decided to set off on an adventure on my bike. I packed a few snacks and some blackcurrent squash in my rucksack, put some oil on the gears on my bike and set off along the towpath towards London.

The Canal Towpath where I cycled

It is possible to follow the 'River Lea' all the way to the centre of London where it meets 'The River Thames'.

Perfect Weather

Thankfully the weather was just right for my 35 mile trip. It was fine and dry, not too hot either. It is a beautiful journey with so much to see along the way.

Many people live in narrowboats along the canal and travel up and down mooring for short periods in different locations. It is a very different way of life living on a canal boat but I guess many people like the freedom this lifestyle gives, it sounds idyllic but it must be quite difficult in the winter time trying to keep warm on these small boats.

Canal boats moored on the 'River Lea'

As well as enjoying the beauty of nature along the way there are some other great things to see along the way.

The route took me right past the Olympic Stadium, where the London 2012 games were held and is now the home of 'West Ham United' football club.

The Olympic Stadium

The towpath is a little bumpy in places but there are also many sections that are much easier going and the wonderful thing about following the river is that the journey is flat so it makes for a pleasant not too strenuous ride.

The whole ride took me a total of 6 hours which included a stop for lunch and many stops along the way to take a few pictures of my trip.

I was amazed to see a very tame heron just standing on the towpath. I stopped my bike, got off and walked towards it to take a picture and it just stayed there, without any fear as if posing for me to take a picture.

The tame heron on the towpath

It was an enjoyable ride and with only a few miles to go, I slowed down a little, I was tired from riding over 30 miles but I was determined to finish my journey. I pressed on and finally 6 hours after leaving home, I made it to The Thames.

It felt so good to have done it all the way by myself, just me and the mountain bike.

Where the Lea meets The Thames

I stopped and took this picture to show my achievement but my journey was not quite finished.

I continued along the 'Thames Path' all the way to Tower Bridge which looked wonderful.

It was worth my effort to make it all the way, I was worn out and tired so I treated myself to a coffee and a bite to eat, chilled out and relaxed for a while in the heart of the city before taking the train home to have a well earned rest.

Needless to say I slept well that night!

It was a great day and I look forward to doing it again some time soon.

My own article

Lead image courtesy of pixabay all others my own

$ 0.83
$ 0.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for onlymythoughts
3 years ago
Topics: Journey, Bike, Adventure, Nature, Canal, ...


Looks good fella

Hope to join you one day 😊

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Would be great, glad you liked the article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for sharing your beautiful journey! I did enjoy the places you've been. You really got a nice place there. 😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you, I had a really great adventure and look forward to many more.

$ 0.00
3 years ago