A new peer review publishing platform powered by Bitcoin Cash: Alpha testing begins 1st May 2021

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3 years ago

As an exciting update to our paradigm changing flipstarter project to create a desperately needed brand new peer review publishing model (powered by Bitcoin Cash), we will be beginning alpha testing of the manuscript submission portal on May 1st 2021. Our first flagship journal has been officially named The Journal of Global Surgery (ONE)- a journal dedicated to safe, affordable surgery across the world and we have already developed a world class, diverse, internationally recognised editorial board.

This manuscript portal has been designed to keep running costs of the platform to an absolute minimum, yet still provide unique and intuitive workflows to allow authors to submit their work seamlessly, editors and peer reviewers to assess the submissions, and a type setting system to publish the manuscripts in a professional, cost effective way. Our newly designed submissions portal is mobile and desktop friendly, creating a slick new interface that allows for easy and beautiful workflows between all stakeholders.

And as predicted in our Bitcoin Unlimited podcast interview, our estimated costs for producing one article remains well under $50, and this may also include a paid stipend to the peer reviewers / editors for their work. Remember, in comparison, current peer review publishers charge on average $3000 per article to the authors to publish work, of which no payment goes to the process of peer review.

We therefore remain on track to be approximately 60x cheaper than the industry average, and furthermore, with the power of Bitcoin Cash payments and crowdfunding principles, anybody in the world will now be able to access critical research for as little as $0.10 per article payment (or any amount they wish to pay). Once the article price tag is paid off by the community (approximately $50), the article becomes open access, owned by the community and freely accessible.

Our manuscript portal will soon be integrated with CrossRef (a platform that integrates research within a global framework of other publications) and by the end of Q2, we hope to have completed the payment gateways to accept Bitcoin Cash in our game-changing financial model. Referring back to our first flipstarter campaign, we always planned for a potential second flipstarter campaign to integrate BCH payments into our platform (with the help of BCH developers), but we are hopeful we may be able to complete the entire project within our initial budget.

In conclusion, we remain motivated, on time and on budget to challenge the multibillion dollar publishing industry forever. And in relation to our 2021 Research road map (containing other essential BCH use-cases), we have some exciting announcements too - but we will save that update for another post!

If you want to support One Surgery (a non-profit organisation powered by Bitcoin Cash), please do consider donating to our BCH wallet here:


You can always track our transparent BCH wallet ledger here. Thank you once more to the Bitcoin Cash community for believing in this project! We are getting there!

Saqib Noor
Founder of One.Surgery

$ 10.96
$ 5.00 from @btcfork
$ 2.17 from Anonymous user(s)
$ 2.00 from @F.B.
+ 5
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3 years ago
