Manifestation and Letting Go – What Is It All About?

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3 years ago

What Is Manifestation?

Well, the Law of Attraction followers would be quite acclimatized with the term “manifestation” but for the uninitiated, what is it?

*Manifestation is the process of bringing into life something that you wish for or hope for.*

The dictionary meaning differs a bit. Here is one of those definitions:
*An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical.*

If you notice both definitions, until the event has become a reality, it is abstract. In that sense, both definitions match to some extent. Let’s look at the first definition with an example. You have woken up in the morning and were hoping that your mother would make an apple pie for you for breakfast. You don’t know what mom is going to make, but you just wished for apple pie. As you reach the kitchen, you are surprised at the fact that mom had indeed made apple pie for you.

So, the event from wishing for apple pie to having the apple pie is called the manifestation of your desire (to have an apple pie). If you notice, wishing for an apple pie is an abstract event which transforms to reality as your mom gives you your delicious mouth-watering apple pie. That’s the example.

But what do we intend to discuss here?

How do Manifestations work?

That’s what we intend to discuss here. In the example of the apple pie that we just saw, the person hoped for an apple pie, and it happened for him in a few minutes. The person manifested so fast that we tend to call such occurrences as luck. The problem with calling something “luck” is that we do not expect it to happen too often. That’s not true.

Manifestation works all the time irrespective of us paying attention to it or not. In other words, everything we ask for is what we get, and we get it for sure. But the thing with manifestation is that when we ask for something and believe that it can’t work, we end up manifesting the exact opposite of what we had asked for.

So, the idea is to ask for something and follow it with feeling and believing it as true. The thing that we asked for will manifest as the apple pie happened in our example.

But what has manifestation to do with letting go?

Manifestation and Letting Go

Now, since the beginning of time, humans had hoped for something, and either believed it or not. If he/she believed it, then they manifested it, however, if they did not, then manifestation did not happen. The latter part is what we intend to discuss as far as letting go is concerned.

The idea is to ask for something, believe it is there and then let it go. Why let it go? Because you trust that it is taken care of. Even in the example of the apple pie, the person hoped for the pie and then continued with his work. In other words, he let it go and then what happened? The apple pie manifested. The same thing happens in case of any manifestation. The keywords are “believe” and “trust”.

So, ask for something, believe and let go! That’s the recipe.

So, that’s it..

The idea to manifesting anything in life is to ask for it and let go while trusting that it is coming! Go forth and manifest things that you want.


Image Courtesy: Activedia @pixabay

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3 years ago
