Why Believe?
The cycle of belief and reality is an interesting one. From childhood, we are conditioned to see things happening around us and believe them to be true. So, we see experiences and then believe that is the only reality. In fact, we go ahead and see others’ experiences and believe them to be the gospel truth as well. But there is one other way to do it. What is that, you ask?
Well, it is to believe first and then see the reality change to that belief. Read that again. More than 90% of the human population is victims of the first form of belief – that is, the ones that we see and believe. Only 10% or lesser would be belonging to the latter type of believers. This is not difficult to see. There is enough and more research to prove that 90% of the global wealth is with 10% of the people. 90% of major achievements in any field are attributed to 10% of the people. This statistic is so prevalent that there are principles called the 80-20 rule or 90-10 rule. There are even books about it. You can very well search for these books in the comfort of your home and have a read.
However, my article is not about the 90-10 principle but is about the shift from the 90% to the 10%. If you are like most people around, you have seen experiences and believed them to be true. But if you want to be like the blessed minority, then you’ve got to believe in something you yet don’t have but know it will be.
Let’s talk about it a bit more.
Believing What Is
The biggest illusion that we live with is that everything visible is true. This is so ingrained that it becomes second nature for us. We do not question what we see and believe them to be true. For example, if you see people struggling with life, then we start believing that life is a struggle over a period of time. Mind you, you are not struggling with life, but someone else is, and yet you consider life is a struggle. Sooner than later, your life becomes a struggle. Sad!
Furthermore, we are so sold on to the idea of believing whatever we see is the phrase – “seeing is believing”. Can you understand the issue with the statement? No. Let me ask you this – what are the different frequencies of light? There are many - visible light, ultraviolet, infrared and more. Which light can we see? Visible alone. So, these eyes that we have cannot see the different forms of light, yet we believe they can see it all. Notice the problem? I am not even talking about the perception of a problem. I am just talking about visibility to a problem.
So, if you live in an environment where life is easy, money is abundant, health is all around, you tend to grow up with that belief. But if it is the converse, you grow up believing life is a struggle. Now, do you understand why the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer? *It is not the money or lack of money, or justice or injustice. It is just that we are wired to live what we believe in.*
The last statement should give us hope. No matter how we have lived our lives so far, we can certainly rewire ourselves to live a better life. Let’s see how.
Rewiring for a Better Life
Rewiring may make it sound a bit odd, but that’s the truth. Our experiences have wired our brain to believe in certain aspects as “truth”. So, if we can rewire our brain or create new neural pathways, we are on our way to a different life. But there’s a problem.
You see, we have been conditioned to believe so strongly about things is that, at times, we will not consider an alternate at all. The alternate may be considered a sin. Let’s take an example. Ask people what does the Bible or Quaran says about money. Pat will be the response that “money is evil”. And yet, the same person spends his life earning money (or evil). This is the greatest irony and hypocrisy of life!
The question is, do the Holy Books really say so? The Bible states that the love of money is evil. In other words, when we shift our love from God to any other of his blessing (money too is God’s blessing), there is a chance that we may turn towards evil. Go back and read and tell me if this is not the interpretation. If that is so, why do we call money evil? So, we need to get a mind shift.
Now, consider this – money is a blessing like any other blessing in your life. The air you breathe, the health you have, the family that takes care of you, and many more. Do we ever feel that any of the other blessings are evil? Certainly, not. Then why do we feel that money is evil? This is nothing but our programming from childhood. We have viewed money with dislike, and that reflects in the way we live. It is necessary to move from the old beliefs to new ones.
How Do We Build New Beliefs?
First and foremost, we identify the fallacy in the thought process. You would have seen that the shift from calling money evil to calling it a blessing from God is a shift. Once we have a shift, we then practice the new belief.
For example, now that you are comfortable with money, you would be wondering how to feel abundant about money. A thing that you have not experienced for so long. Then how do you do it? You focus on the things that money can buy and how you feel about it. Maybe a car.
Think about how you would feel to have your dream car. What would it smell like inside – the leather, the metal parts, the cushions, and other things. Now, think about how would you feel driving the car and how blessed you would feel. Think about the view you would get from the car, the engine's pleasant sound, the feeling of cool from the air conditioner, and every other aspect of the car. This feeling of having it is good enough to bring you more of having (or abundance). That’s the trick.
So, remember the movement from 90% to 10% is all about your mindset. Starting believing in having the things you want, even before seeing them. That’s the way to create the life that you want.
Becoming Part of the 10%
So, the only thing between the “ones who lack” and the “ones who have” is their mindset. Because of the mindset, the belief system supports one way of thinking, and therefore, we live that life. If you are part of the 90%, then moving to the 10% is just a shift in the way we think.
The shift ensures that we create a new belief system, and the belief system creates a new reality — a reality of abundance, havingness, and becoming part of the 10%.
*Remember, the shift from nothingness to awesomeness is quite quick! 😊*
Image Courtesy: My own.
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