NomadCoin - Travel Tip - Buying at grocery store

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2 years ago
Topics: Travel, Nomad, NomadCoin

This is a series of travel tips to make life easier for fellow travelers. Feel free to submit your tips on the community and tip other people in either BCH or NomadCoin if you found it useful.

Buying products in foreign markets

A lot of time many of us visit a country and buy groceries, either for cheap meal or for souvenir.

I personally love visiting 7 Eleven all over asia and find unique and different products quite exciting.

However, one thing I am always struggling with is the language barrier. Say you are in Uzbekistan and everything is written in Russian, you find some snacks that you find interesting. But the packet doesn't have anything written in English (or any language you can read)

How do you know what you are buying?

Why you need to understand the packet?

Some adventurous people will say not knowing is part of the fun. And I totally get that and encourage you to continue your adventure, but this tip is for people who may have some dietary restrictions (be it religious or allergies).

Another thing could be that you may not like the taste of a certain think like some people don't like tomatos even if it is not allergy you might not want to have that flavour.

What you can do?

One of the way is to simply search that company's website that runs that chain of stores. Most countries have a few supermarket chains.

Go to their website and search for the product line you are looking for, and get the English version of the description from there. In case the website is only in the local language than in your browser use Google Translate to convert the page into English.

Now you can see the translation of the product names and their ingredients. And make a informated decision on what to buy.

That's it for today, happy travels...

$ 0.93
$ 0.81 from @TheRandomRewarder
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$ 0.05 from @emily2u
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2 years ago
Topics: Travel, Nomad, NomadCoin


I like to be surprised 🤣

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Cool trick, or just use Google Translator app to scan some of the words for an idea. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, it works sometimes, but the issue comes when you are trying to scan a glossy wrapper with fancy font. Sometimes the network is also an issue on tourist sim cards, I found it more useful to research what you want to buy beforehand and use a laptop to browse what is available.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup, agreed, and I totally understand about the tourist SIM card. Sometimes, I use a portable travel Wifi router, where I can share with my travel companion. The problem comes when we need to split. haha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I never used that, usually we just use the hotspot on the phone 😬

$ 0.00
2 years ago