Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removing or forcibly removing a fetus or fetus before it is able to survive on its own.
When girls become pregnant, 20 out of 100 abortions occur. It is a natural law, a natural law Just as 20 percent of the fruit of a tree is not nourished, so 20 percent of the embryos are not nourished The main reason for this is genetic, chromosomal abnormality, if there is any 'defect' in the fruit inside the ovum or sperm of girls or boys, then it can happen. This is considered as the main reason There are also many reasons If there is a defect in the uterus or women have diabetes, kidney, thyroid problems or viral fever, abortion can be due to emotional reasons. It is often seen that no cause of abortion can be found It is done according to the natural law
Abortion can be intentional, in which case it is often called miscarriage. It can also be intentional in which case it is called induced abortion. The term abortion mostly refers to an induced abortion of a human pregnancy. This same process occurs when the fetus is able to survive on its own, in medical parlance it is called "delayed termination of pregnancy".
Medicine or surgery is used in modern medicine for induced abortion. Mifepristone and prostaglandin are just as effective as the first three months of surgery. Although the drug is effective in the second trimester, there appears to be a lower risk of side effects with surgical procedures. Birth control includes pills and vaginal devices that can be used right after an abortion. If abortion is supported by local law in the developed world, it has a history of becoming one of the safest measures in medical science. Unsafe abortions do not cause any long-term mental or physical health problems. The World Health Organization recommends that this level of safe and legal abortion should be available to all women around the world. Causes admission.
Around the world, 44 million abortions are performed each year, of which only slightly less than half are performed unsafely. Abortion rates fluctuated slightly between 2003 and 2008, although abortion rates have declined in previous decades due to the expansion of family planning and birth control education. As of 2007, 40 percent of the world's women had the right to have a legitimate induced abortion "for no apparent reason."
Induced abortion has a long history. This has been done in a variety of ways, including ancient herbal remedies, the use of sharp tools, bodily injuries, and other conventional methods. Abortion laws around the world, how often they are performed, and their cultural and religious status vary widely. There are. In some cases, abortion is legal under special circumstances, such as: sexual abuse by a relative, rape, fetal problems, socio-economic regulators, or maternal health risks. Those who oppose abortion generally say that a fetus or fetus is a human being with the right to life and that abortion can be compared to murder. Insist.