The Social Dilemma: a review

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4 years ago

We are all connected, one way or another, by an invisible thread. Social Media is one of those thread.

In the documentary film " The Social Dilemma" experts on this field talks about the risks and the dangers that Social Media have that we are not aware of.

Speakers in this documentary film are former employees of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the like. They also invited speakers from Harvard to discuss the social impacts and psychological effects of social media.

Last night, I woke up from a nap and wanted to watch something new. As I was browsing Netflix I tumbled upon the film " The Social Dilemma" and it opened my eyes to a reality that I want to share with you guys.

The film opens issues about how the suicide rate increased drastically parallel to self-harm. They gave insights on how social media affects or life choices unconsciously. Politicians and religions use social media to promote and start conflicts.

Watch this film and open your own eyes to the reality that the thing that connects us all controls us.

  • Thanks for reading. I hope you really take tje time to watch this film.

  • Drop your comments and opinions below.

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4 years ago


I'm watching this right now too =)

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