Single? Why Not?

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3 years ago

Are you one of those many who are not in a relationship for now? Are you enjoying it or are you jealous of those people who have their lovelife?

I want to remind you that it is just okay if you are single. Just look on the positive sides of being single and ignore the disadvantages of it.

Nowadays, teens / millenials have a big issue if someone does not have a boyfriend / girlfriend. But once you become matured enough, you will embrace that so called single life.

So, for those singles out there, let me enlighten you for a while if why is it okay to be single.

Why someone is single / choses to be single?

1. More time in every aspect

Actually, those people who are single tends to do almost everything they want rather than those who are in a relationship.

If they want to go somewhere, no one will stop them from doing so. No curfews, no rules about do's and don'ts, in other words, "you are free"

If you are in a relationship, your time is divided because you need to allocate some time to your partner, it is not a must but that's the reality that when you love someone or in a relationship, there will be always a time for you to catch-up with them. And there are really partners who always demands for your time.

You can have more time in your family and friends, that if someone asks you to go out, you can actually say "yes" immediately.

By being single, yourself is your limit.

2. Independent

Being single means there will be no person who will be always there for you (except family). With this case, you will learn on how to become independent, that you do not expect someone to help you. The decisiom making will always be on your side, every step you make will be all up to you jusg like if what are you going to do, what are you going to eat, where will you go etc, or for mature levels, you are the only one who will solve problems you have in your life. Here, you can actually know yourself better most especially about your capabilities.

Everything will be all up to you. You do not need to adjust yourself for someone. No one will dictate if what you should do or what you should not do. Your problem will be only your problem, no one will bother your thoughts about the solutions you want to do. Your mess will only be cleared by you.

3. Single does not mean you are alone

Being single means you can socialize whenever / wherever you want without telling to someone and waiting for them for their approval.

4. Single does not mean you have no lovelife

Being single is one of the exciting / interesting stage of life because there will be no limits. You can fling to whoever you want without someone you will get angry if they knew it. You can date whenever you want. You will still experience "butterflies" in the stomach even if you are not in a relationship.

5. More money

If you are in a relationships, just like your time, you allocate some of your money for your partner by buying gifts, going out on a date. Well, it is not a must to spend your money to someone you love but sometimes, you can feel like you need to. So if you are single, you can save more. You can have more money to buy something for yourself or just keeping them to have some savings. When you are single, your money will all be yours or you have a higher chance to give some for your family, that instead of buying gifts for girlfriends / boyfriends, you can buy some gifts for your parents / siblings.

6. You will discover more about yourself

When you are in a relationship, your life created a pattern / cycle, that tend to become boring except for those couples who are not fun in adventures.

By being single, there will be more adventure coming along your way. Just like those mentioned above, you cwn always do whatever you want. You can go out whenever you are bored.

7. Because you have to

You are single because you have no choice. Someone left you and it is not possible for you to find someone new again who will fit in your heart.

Just keep in mind that life is also complete without having someone. Sometimes, you are just triggered to have a lovelife because of what you are seeing, just like on valentines day, gifts, flowers, chocolates everywhere and wishing that you can also receive something like that. But as time goes by, the idea of having a lovelife will be out of your mind.

It is not only by lovelife that a person's life will be complete, there are a lot of aspects.

Being single is okay rather than being in a relationship that is no longer working / toxic.

Embrace your single life, who knows, suddenly you will finally meet that someone who is for you.

But for now, explore, enjoy being single because it is a rare opportunity, because the life of being in a relationship and being single is different, both havr theire advantages and disadvantages but once you will be in a relationship, then some of those things you can do when you are single will be no longer be done.

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Written by
3 years ago


Yes, I'm single and I'm enjoying it. There's so much fun and love when you had all your time to yourself. Never had I ever felt jealous of my friends who are in a relationship because I know God has a better plan for me.

You know when the time comes, and you're just gonna say, it's worth the wait.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, we should embrace our singleness, enjoy every moment. There is a reason why we are at our current situation right now. Just trust the process.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm kind of a little bit excited for my future hahaha

I can't wait to love and be loved by someone.

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3 years ago