We Miss You Italy - Three Tune Tuesday

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Avatar for mypathtofire
1 year ago

Hello Hive Music Lovers!,

Welcome to another #threetunetuesday created originally by @ablaze.

The world cup has kicked off well and one thing I noticed is that Italy didn't qualify. This is a real shame because a world cup without Italy in it is like having a world without pasta or pizza.

Therefore, so that we don't forget the Italians, this week's #ttt is dedicated to Italy. There is no opera today, Italy is also a mass producer of catchy pop songs. Here I present 3 that I have stumbled upon.

The first one is DJ Matrix - Supereroi which I have heard many times each year when we go on our camping trips to Italy.

If that wasn't catchy enough for you, this next song Nek - Laura non c'è (yes I've no idea how you say that) might be for you.

The final song features some amazing dancing moves by Romina Power from back in the day.

That's it from me for this week, have a great musical world cup everyone!

The linked videos are not owned by me, I am sharing just the link to the copyright owner's video. No copyright infringement is intended.
Used under fair-use section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.
The title image was created in Canva by myself with image source.

$ 0.12
$ 0.05 from @ZeroRequiem
$ 0.05 from @Patch
$ 0.02 from @idiosyncratic
Avatar for mypathtofire
1 year ago


The top song, well the title of it at least got me to remember this oldie ^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyzHtOWK8FE

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That one looks a classic!! lol

$ 0.00
1 year ago