The CBDCs are coming!

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2 years ago
Topics: CBDCs, CBDC, Crypto, Analysis, News, ...

We are all aware by now that the Elite, led by their spokesperson Dr.Evil (Klaus Schwab) are marching us towards the great reset. The new system that they want to implement is a technocratic control system based on social credits. This could be because the amount of "non-bank" loans has risen substantially in the last 20 years that banks and particularly central banks are losing control and influence. See this chart from the ECB itself:


With the rise of non-bank lending, the influence of banks will be further reduced.

Their goal is to reach the full reset and implementation of the new social system by 2030. To do this though, they must first destroy the old one. The first act of this reset started in March 2020 or you could say October 2019 with Event 201. This kicked off the corona crisis that we have been experiencing for the last 2 years.

This first part of the performance is now drawing to a close in many countries as people have gotten used to having their freedoms restricted, being locked up, and receiving their first training in having a valid digital ID with restrictions for non-compliance. The digital ID was implemented as a much-needed "health passport" to replace people writing their contact details down after visiting a restaurant.


The digital ID is available from the Apple AppStore. It was more rigorously implemented within Europe and some Apps included a special "wallet" function.

The second act has quickly got underway with the war in Ukraine and the widespread promotion in the media of world war 3. Many people are suffering and going through hardship with this war. I will not go into this topic today as it is a worthy topic on its own and I could not do it justice.

A closer look at what is the reaction of the US and the EU though is quite telling. Rather than fight and defend Ukraine, they instead are going to issue financial sanctions and restrict access to financial markets. It is also planned to restrict access to foreign fiat currencies for Russian banks and financial institutions using the SWIFT system. It is also intended to target the Russian central bank and restrict its ability to defend the ruble.

Why would they do this? Is it planned that starting with Russia, they will collapse a fiat currency and then move people onto CBDCs? Is Russia a testbed for the first demolition of the fiat-based financial markets in preparation for the new social system and CBDCs?

It certainly looks so when you see the reaction of Russia is to nationalise foreign-owned assets. Do they plan to also nationalise domestically owned assets to complete the collapse?

It is telling that we first heard in Canada about bank runs and this will also now be the case in Russia and Ukraine. With foreign currency in Russia being restricted, where are people going to move their assets? I can think of only one "safe" place and it isn't fiat.

When the new CBDCs are announced, where is going to be the safe place that we can store our money when fiat is demolished? My bets are on "free" crypto, held off centralised exchanges.


The Economist forewarns us to get ready for new CBDCs.

According to CBDC tracker, the Digital Rouble is only in the "conception phase", but is it really?

In June 2021, the Russian central bank announced its pilot phase of introducing the CBDC with "testing" aimed to begin around January 2022... (see report here), well what a coincidence! It's now Feb 2022 and does that mean they are going to ramp up this testing to coincide with the collapse of the fiat rouble??

It was only just in January this year, that the Russian central bank proposed to ban crypto. Is this a sign of the soon-to-be implementation of the digital rouble and collapse of the fiat rouble? As we saw previously, Turkey banned crypto before their currency started collapsing.

Canada has also been cracking down on crypto and confiscating crypto held on centralised exchanges. There are also talks of bank runs in Canada, although nothing officially confirmed. Will Canada be the testbed for CBDCs in north America?

Is the roll-out for the EU planned to be completed before 2025?

News surfaced suddenly this week that the EU wanted to ban crypto for "environmental" reasons before 2025. However, the decision on the new laws was delayed in the end, so crypto will not be outlawed in the EU just yet. But perhaps they want to try and close the exits before the digital euro is implemented.

Lots of questions still remained answered but will probably be answered in the coming weeks and months. Stay vigilant.

Thanks for reading.

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2 years ago
Topics: CBDCs, CBDC, Crypto, Analysis, News, ...
