My Thoughts on the 3 New Rulesets

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There have been so many developments and happenings within Splinterlands in the last weeks and this is one of the most exciting aspects of the game. Couple that with a crypto crash and we are in for a bit of a ride in the next few months by the looks of things. The good thing is that our Splinterlands assets seem to be holding up well.

One new thing that you may have noticed now is that we have 3 new game rulesets which spice things up a bit nicely!!


These are Thorns, Magic Reflect and Return Fire. These new rulesets seem to have come as a suprise to many as we have so many other distractions right now with Runis, Neutral Summoners who and the bottom has fallen out of the crypto market!

Being a huge Mylor Crowling fan, I was the most excited about the Thorns because I just love my enemies getting thorns when they did a melee attack on me! My worry was that Mylor might not be so useful, but this doesn't seem to be the case and the rental costs of Mylor are still sky-high.

With thorns, we now need to be very careful about using melee attack as it could cost you dearly. Can we replace the attack with a ranged or magic attack? With ranged you also run the risk that it cannot attack from the first position, so prudence is called for.

The other interesting ruleset is the magic reflection. The magic attack is such a popular attack used that this could really deal a blow to those who use magic attack only. It is great that your team is then equipped with the skills of the Failed Summoner.

For defense, it is great. What about when you are attacking though? What do you do? What summoner to use with good buffs when you can't use a magic attack?

What replacement attack with melee and ranged to use? It throws another conundrum into the mix. I am getting caught out sometimes with too much ranged attack and they cannot fight in the first position.

Return fire then is a game rule that plays against the ranged attack. This is handy against the attack of the Pelacor Arbalest with his sometimes lethal double-strike ranged attack.

So far for me, this is the easiest ruleset to settle into as a magic and melee attack are preferred for me. Although with some of the new riftwatchers cards with great abilities with ranged attack, it sometimes can throw me off.

What are your thoughts on the new rulesets?

Which do you like and why?

Thanks for reading.


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Very nice, love it when a good game keeps getting better =)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks, it really is improving all the time! Cheers!

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1 year ago