My Strategy to get from Gold to Diamond

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1 year ago

With all the excitement recently with SplinterFest taking place and some big announcements like the upcoming Rebellion card set and other things such as Tower Defense, it can be easy to forget about improving our performance in the game.

We are approaching the end of another season and it was a real struggle to get back into the gold leagues for me until near the end. It was a combination of my bad gameplay and some weak cards that didn't help me pull off the killer punches.

Last season I was also helped by some great giveaway delegations that I won such as a gold foil Quix the Devious and a gold foil Djinn Oshannus. This season despite having some maxed-out commoner cards, I didn't have a summoner taking advantage of them.

Another consideration is to look at what deck I will play and what are some winning combinations. There is no points upgrading cards you aren't going to play with or if they aren't part of winning combinations.

After watching SplinterlandsTV, I asked some of the OGs there and took some notes. Another thing I did was look at some of the leaderboard players and see what summoners/monster combinations are they fielding.

My favorite earth summoner is Mylor Crowling and I rent usually at level 3. However, this does not give me the full effect of some of my maxed-out common cards. Therefore I am considering renting from now on a level 5 or 6 summoner.

Not all of my common cards are maxed out yet, even for level 3. My focus will be to upgrade some of my most used cards first. I started upgrading them this season and it helped me to get faster to the gold league.

I made sure to upgrade Goblin Psychic as a priority because of this awesome "affliction" ability that is from level 4 onwards that I have been missing out on.

If I rent a level 6 summoner, I would need to upgrade Goblin Psychic to level 7 so that I can take advantage of the additional "silence" ability. So this will be a priority for me in the next days.

Therefore to help me get my nose into diamond, I will be looking at key upgrades like this. Queen Mycelia is also a key legendary card for me, that with a level 6 summoner, allows me to play a level 3 Queen Mycelia and use the extra "Triage" ability. All of these extra abilities would give me an edge and hopefully let me slip into the diamond leagues.

Whether it makes sense to rent or upgrade the card, I am not yet sure.

Why go higher in the league you might ask?


According to this chart from, you can see with my current rating in gold, I can earn much more SPS if I move up to the diamond league. Therefore I don't want to sit around picking up these small rewards in silver and gold when there are bigger rewards waiting for me in diamond.

@gadrian had asked how many maxed out cards did I have so far and my progress. I have currently 7 maxed-out gold foil cards and my eighth is nearly done.

With a higher level summoner, I hope I can take more advantage of their maxed levels.

Merdhampir is at level 8 and should be my eighth maxed out card.

Do you have plans to climb to a higher league?

What is your strategy?

Thanks for reading.


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All images used from source unless otherwise stated.

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1 year ago


Sharing your trade secrets like this. Are you sure that is wise. ;)

I did retry the game, and played up to the bronze 3 rank with my free 2 play cards. But sadly I did not like the randomness aspects of it all. =( So not sure if I will keep at it. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What did you not like about the randomness part?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It was to much of it for my taste. But that's just my reference. And if I want to level the playing field there is a huge amount of cards you would need to learn and recognize in order to take advantage of the battle history. So I don't think the game is made for me.

Not saying it is bad tho. It is not. Just it is not a game for me. =)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah cool. That makes sense. With new cards coming it also mixes things up a bit.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Looks like you now can add an upvote when commenting, and by the looks of things, it adds second upvote to the post ^^

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1 year ago