My Battle with Venari Spellsmith!

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2 years ago

Hi Splinterfans!

Welcome to my entry for the Share your Battle Weekly Challenge! More details about the challenge can be found here.

This week's challenge is with a neutral monster with magic powers. I don't really use him as I do not often go for a magic attack but he could be really useful in that he can fit into any Splinter that you may need. There seems to be quite a high distribution of this card, but the price has really exploded lately.

Compared to the 2 mana magic attack splinters, 4 seems quite expensive and he may not be so handy in all situations. Let's have a look at his stats:

With just 2 health it is also vulnerable to attack unless you can get some extra health or shield on him. However, he also has an ace up his sleeve with a "dispel" ability. This clears all positive effects on that monster when it hits him. I'm not sure if this is permanent or if this is actually working, so it will be good to try and find out. This is what I love about these battle challenges, learning new things and new monsters.

My Team


The rules for the battle are:

Weak magic - this means magic attacks armor before health which isn't good for my planned attack with magic, but it may catch my opponent off guard by not expecting it.

Lost legendaries - I cannot use any of my legendary monsters. It shouldn't be an issue in this battle, although it would have been good to have Queen Mycelia in the battle.

With 36 mana, this will be a pretty strong battle so I will need health regeneration for sure and some strong monsters to fill up my attack. I think I have done that with my team above.

Watch the Battle

My opponent has taken the fire splinter and this should therefore be a straightforward victory IMO. My combined magic power attack each round is 12 which is pretty formidable. The enemy has a second-row attack of just 8 so this could be bad for them. They have included Disintegrator so expected a melee attack and it has backfired here.

After the first round I have already lost Khmer Princess but they have lost their tank which is a massive blow for them.

After two rounds I have lost our man of the moment who didn't really get a chance to shine. His magic attack helped dispose of the tank but with just 2 health, he died with one hit in round 2. The enemy has lost Disintegrator already and my attacking powers are improved already. The enemy will be finished off soon.

After three rounds, a further 3 enemy monsters fall from my increased melee attack from Unicorn and my deadly magic attack.

The result was pretty clear. This week I manage to pull off a great victory!


I'm still not convinced of the usefulness of Venari Spellsmith but will add him to my team as his neuteral ability could make him come in handy.

Thanks for reading.


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Title image created in Canva using images from source
The banner image below was created in Canva using images from source and @doze

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2 years ago
