Learning to play dCity

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Avatar for mypathtofire
2 years ago

I have been playing dCity for a while now, but not so actively. Mostly I have been buying some extra SIM where possible to try and work towards holding 1 million in SIM. This is because the returns are over 40% and you get paid daily.

My city currently looks like this:


You can see that I have 60109 SIM so far and not too much going on in my city. I have 22 people and earn 5 SIM each day.


Some of the recent events happening in my city are:


I am still trying to figure out what this all means and what I should do, but it's all part of the learning process.  

To expand my city I put in a bid for 10 SIMs to try and expand my population. I also just bought an apartment block for them to live in.

This has had a bad effect on my SIM income already. It is now -1 for this apartment block!!


My next step will be to find something for my SIMs to do as they are all unemployed.

I then invested a further 4501 SIM in a police station, a shopping mall, and 4 scientists!!

This will give my city a nice boost and I will have to monitor the effects and see what adjustments I will need to make.


Looking at my new stats, you can see my population is now unbalanced and I need to find work for those lazy scientists. My population has now increased from 22 to 53. My popularity has also increased from 15 to 29. So that's a good step in the right direction.


My ranking is now 1614 based on population but also 1130 based on income. I will need to try and improve these metrics going forward.

Thanks for reading.



Screenshots are taken from the game source

Title image created by myself in Canva using image source and media kit graphics from the dcity discord.


$ 0.64
$ 0.62 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @idiosyncratic
Avatar for mypathtofire
2 years ago


Few days ago, I saw this dcity in one of the games in Hive. I planned to join that but not as of today since I'm still confused on how I should start. By the way, where did you buy Sims?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You can buy the SIM currency in Tribaldex or Hive Engine and start with earning the 40% interest.

To buy the SIM people, you can goto the Marketplace and then look through the cards at the different types of people to buy. You can see I searched for Scientist and bought 4 of them. You can also search for Worker and these are also good to buy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the information. I'll go and look those you've mentioned. I'll try to familiarize the game first before I'll start it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago