How do we get sick?

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2 years ago

The question may at first seem very simple and elementary, but there are a number of schools of thought on what is an illness and how we get sick.

I will review my thoughts on some of the leading theories about these and give my opinion on them.

The list here is not exhaustive and probably there exist more. These are just a few of the theories that I have come across and my thoughts about them.

Modern School Medicine

The Plaque Doctor from the 17th Century Rome

Anyone who has read the history of modern medicine will know about the tainted history it has. This would include such doctrines as denying patients with fever water and the terrible conditions in hospitals before the hygiene movement, not to mention bloodletting.


The main theory of modern medicine up until around 2 years ago was "Germ Theory". This theory states that disease is caused by pathogens known as germs, too small to see without magnification.

These bacteria have been viewed within a microscope but the theory goes a step further saying the disease is also caused by non-living organisms known as viruses.


These "viruses" are not verified to have been seen, even under the most powerful microscope available. Instead, we are supposed to believe that a photo of a protein cell in most cases, contains the virus.

I know that doesn't sound too scientific. Many research papers confirm this fact but some are more deceptive.

What this means is that there may or may not be something within a protein cell that causes a disease known as a virus. The actual virus has not been isolated.

The premise of germ theory is then that this cell is transmitted from one person to the next, causing illness/disease.

Since March 2020, the newer theory states that germs are now airborne and you can be a carrier of disease and/or sick regardless of if you show any signs of illness. To confirm if you are sick, you now require a test to confirm this.

This is known as Asymptomatic.


Herbal Medicine

The next school of medicine is the natural herbal medicine theory. This school of thought differs from modern medicine in that it tries to treat the causes of illness, instead of the symptoms of illnesses.

The theory goes and I can verify this myself with my own consumption of modern medicines is that the symptoms may initially be alleviated but will come back much stronger and worse than before.

Therefore it is important to treat the causes of illness and diseases. There are many different plants and herbs that can alleviate the symptoms of certain illnesses when treating the cause of that illness. The problem can then disappear but if it is treating a symptom, most likely after the treatment you will have the symptoms again.

Toxicity Theory

The next school of medicinal thought is that where illness is caused by a build-up of toxicity in the body.

Your body gets to a certain point and needs to flush the toxins from your body. How does it do that?

It uses the largest organ to start with, the skin. By creating a fever, you would start to sweat out these toxins. In your throat, you will cough up mucus and phlegm.

This theory is advocated by the likes of Dr Morse. To treat most patients it is recommended to control your diet and treat any ailments with herbs.

It seems eating meat is a big cause of illness and could be causing the clogging of the body with toxins. This seems to make sense, as those who eat only vegetables or fruit, would not suffer very easily from illness or food poisoning.


This means there is no virus being transmitted causing illness, the main cause of illness (removing other factors) could be just dietary.

German New Medicine

The next school of medicinal thought is the German New Medicine school. Or it could also be known as the Hungarian school of medicine.

This is the method discovered by Dr Hamer who is now since 2017 deceased. Dr Hamer says that all illnesses are caused by suffering some kind of psychological or emotional trauma that then manifests itself later as illness or disease.


To treat the illness, you need to first treat the cause of the trauma. This means that even catching a cold would be caused by some emotional traumatic experience such as seeing someone else sick with a cold.

For me, I think the psychological traumas that people go through can certainly cause illness, both mentally and physically. Although I am not sure that could be the explanation for EVERY illness.

My Own Experience

I am most aligned with the toxicity theory of medicine and this is because firstly, there has been no evidence that viruses exist. Alluding to the existence of viruses is not enough evidence for me.

I do not dismiss completely that something could be being transmitted causing illness, but I suspect that most disease type illnesses are the result of some kind of build-up of toxicity in the body(from bad dietary decisions for example) or poisoning.

I also think the psychological aspects of illness deserve attention as this could also play a role in illness.

My other thoughts are that it is also possible to get ill by exposing your body to harsh conditions. There are things such as cold weather or water. This means that there are a few things that cause the illness reaction in your body to consider.

Are there any theories I've missed that deserve a mention?

Which theory do you think is more accurately describing why we get ill and why?

Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

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2 years ago


I believe that you are going to find a lot of answers to your questions @mypathtofire, in the aerial spraying that is done all over the world: there are dessicants and many many toxic chemicals, and therefore they have polluted the water, the crops, the animals out in the open, the farms and ranches, and there are not many places that have not been coated by the chemicals.

Also, they have been using herbicides such as Glyphosate and pesticides on the crops before harvesting, which winds up in the food as well. Foods that are high in processed sugars are also to blame as well, and these are all well documented.

You have some fairly interesting hypothesis going: Not sure of the validity of viruses and bacterial infections, I believe they are real as the top scientists and doctors (not ones that have sold out but the real ones) have worked with and have explained.

Not sure that meat is a causal factor in illnesses unless it's been left out too long before consumption. A friend of mine got poisoned with Botulism by leaving beans out on the counter too long, and it put him in the hospital for 4 months, and he is a vegetarian (not positive, but may actually be a vegan).

Well written post though, nevertheless. This post has been obtained through Dreemport:

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thats interesting about the spraying. I didnt consider that until now except as weather modification. We are living in some crazy times. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, lots to think about.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is really interesting to read and learn some things about the school of thought surrounding illness. Though I couldn't relate with this but I have learnt something. Thanks for sharing and submitting to the Dreemport site. I came to your post through the curation trail.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

A really interesting summary of a number of different medical approaches, Steve. It was great to read this in Dreemport this evening.

I'll tell you a short story that I think will interest you given your summary views on the subject :-)

My eldest is 11 years old. He started getting migraines when he was about 7. We didn't realise they were migraines until the frequency jumped rather rapidly about 2 years ago from 1 every 3-4 months to 3-4 migraines a week. Docs all agreed it was migraines. Would not allergy test. He jumped from one med to the next... 1st meds made him gain weight, get moody, and clumsy. 2nd meds no side effects but still getting a couple of migraines a week. It was awful. he would spend almost every other night huddled away in his room in the dark in pain... THEN...came the breakthrough... @dreemsteem mentioned to me that it 'may' just be a gluten issue and shared some of her own experiences with me and some presentations by a neurologist on gluten. We went gluten-free as a family and within 2 weeks his migraines had all but disappeared. He is no longer on preventative meds and get about 1 migraine a month. Going gluten-free also helped my 9-year-old autistic son to gain much clearer focus in class and has enabled him to be able to engage more, write and read. There is so much that we ingest that is toxic for our bodies without us even realising it. Hope you found this share interesting.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing your story. The power of adjusting our diet cannot be underestimated. I don't know what they have done to wheat, but it isn't the same wheat our forefathers have eaten. A good book I have read on the topic is Wheat Belly.

Thanks for dropping by and good to hear of your improvements going gluten-free. Seeing our kids suffering is the worst thing in the world.

$ 0.01
2 years ago