Battle Challenge with Magi of Chaos

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Hello Splinterfans!

Welcome to my entry for the Share your Battle Weekly Challenge! More details about the challenge can be found here.

This week we have the battle challenge with Magi of Chaos who is a neutral monster that I don't really use that much. I have it in my deck but there is always usually a better choice to use, even with a 2 magic attack.

I have a level 1, so this is with just 5 health. Usually, if I am using a magic attack, in the earth deck, for example, there are preferred choices to choose first, such as Goblin Psychic. This is because it also has the tank heal ability and the Magi of Chaos doesn't have anything.

My Team

This is a high-level mana battle and we have also poison here, so I want some high health monsters.


The rules for the battle are:

All monsters start the game poisoned.

Watch the Battle

Normally I would use Riftwing here but have opted for Magi of Chaos to provide some magic firepower and see if it is enough to overwhelm my enemy.

By the end of the first round, we have both lost our tanks.

After two rounds, things were already starting to go wrong as I have lost another monster.

After the third round, I am down to my last monster and it is all over. Magi of Chaos didn't come through for me in the end and the Riftwing with 9 health is still going strong.


With no abilities and a cost of 6 mana, there isn't much use for Magi of Chaos for me right now. Even though he is a neutral monster, I still cannot seem to find a spot for him in any of my decks. He is for sure a candidate to sell.

Thanks for reading.


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