Battle Challenge - Temporal Master

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Hello Splinterfans!

Welcome to my entry for the Share your Battle Weekly Challenge! More details about the challenge can be found here.

This week we have the battle challenge with Temporal Master who was not on my radar at all really. Even though I have been playing more and more with my life deck, I still didn't have Temporal Master in my mind. Always up for a challenge, I therefore rented him for this challenge.

Despite a low mana cost, the thing about him is this recharge ability which is not much use or in some not very often used situations. In the earth deck we also have Suidae Shaman from the riftwatchers collection who is also not so useful except combined with Obsidian who can increase the magic attack.

In the end, despite attempting to use the Temporal Master in many situations, he was just useless to me! Perhaps I am not such an expert in the life deck, but he just doesn't fit in for me and isn't a monster that I care too much about. Even when I would like to focus on a magic attack with the life deck, there are many better options.

Here I share my battle against an earth deck using magic.

My Team

This is a high-level mana attack and I have slotted in temporal master, although it would have been better with another constellation.


The rules for the battle are:

Watch the Battle on Splinterlands

Check out my video:


Temporal Master has very limited to use currently and I won't be rushing to add him to my life deck at the moment.

Thanks for reading.


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$ 1.65
$ 1.59 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Patch
$ 0.01 from @ZeroRequiem


The main thing I would say I hold against Splinterland is that cards get better as they level up. It feels like a very pay to win thing. But that is probably the main thing and the only thing I dislike. =)

What are your thoughts on it? Maybe a post on the topic?

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes, I think that the more you invest, the higher your chances to win are. Although there are caps for each league, so you can only level up so much in each league.

$ 0.02
1 year ago