Battle Analysis and Scouting New Cards in Splinterlands

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Hello Splinterfans!

It can be that you are grinding away on your battles and you seem to have some long losing streaks or maybe you are losing a battle and are not sure why. How do you improve from here or figure out how to play better?

One way that I do this is to look back at some of my battles and line-ups using Splintertools.


Splintertools is a free tool that is easy to use and allows you to check back not only your own battles, but you can look at other users too. This is the blockchain after all and everything is stored on it.


The first thing I do is look back at some of the battles that I want to look at and I can see a nice overview of the different cards used and can hover over them for more information.


Here you can see that I hovered over the Undead Priest card. I often look through here as it is better presented and clearer than in the game. I can then easily see the game rules, the mana of the cards and their order used.

This has been handy for me to look back to cards that I might not have or heard of before and I can make a note of the ones that I would maybe like to add to my deck.


Once you select a battle, you can see more details and that my win chance is 0% with my current lineup. I was a bit lazy here and just expected my Kron to do enough for an easy win. Sleeazy had other plans though!

Improving Your Battle Selections

Here comes the cool part though. Say for example you see this lineup quite often, you can add some cards from your deck and see if you can find a good combo that would win against this opponent and battle rules.


So here you can see, that by playing around a little, I could find a selection that would win against this attack. My chances went from 0% to 100%. Now I just need to remember this for the future instead of going with a selection that I am comfortable using.

Scouting New Cards

I mentioned that I liked to look for new cards using this tool and this is how I do it. We go into the battle where I saw the card that I thought was interesting, in this case, Undead Priest.


Here I can then see the full lineup of my opponent and the details of the card. I would then check the card further in PeakMonsters.


I goto the Buy section and then type in the card name. This would then bring me up a list of matching cards. I can already see the card used here. It was a gold foil level 3 that is costing with the lowest price of $79!


When I click on the card and sort by card price, I can indeed see that it costs $79 or around 100k DEC. This is quite pricey, but maybe there are some other options if I want to have the same effect.


Here I clicked on the regular foil card above and see I could buy the same level 3 card as a regular foil for just $17 or ~21k DEC. This seems more reasonable depending on how often I would use the card.

However, some other considerations are what league you are playing in and what level of summoner you have. So for me in the gold league, I would normally want a higher-powered card, so one of the first things I would do is to check the abilities of the card.

Here you can see that this card has an extra ability at level 5 "Slow" which could come in very handy, so maybe this would be a better buy for me. This card is also cheaper than the gold foil at $49 or ~62k DEC.


Before investing so much in a card, it is a good idea to take it for a test drive first and see if it is so useful and fits in with your style of play. You can go to the rental part and see if you can get a good rental deal.

Here you can see how I found the rentals. Perhaps at this price, if the card is useful, it can make sense to just rent the card long-term, there are many options open.


I hope this might be helpful in helping you improve your win/loss ratio and in scouting new cards. When I am checking new cards I am getting thoughts of "precious" in my head like from Lord of the Rings and want to get it straight away.

Trying out the cards first is the cheaper way to ensure you optimise your play to earn strategy and stay ahead. You can also test your lineup against some of your tougher battles and see if it would have helped or not.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks for reading.


Title image created in Canva using images from source.
All other images are screenshots from the respective websites as indicated.


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