My daughter was playing on the front porch. I walked out the door to sit with her,when I was hit by this golden beam of light,directly in my left eye. For a second, I couldn't see. I covered my eye with my hand and my daughter said "What's wrong?" I told her that a light shined in my eye.

Immediately,my mind started to analyze the situation,thinking of what time it had to be for the sun to be in that certain position,and what the odds were that a penny was dropped in that certain spot that would perfectly line the sun's reflection up with my height,plus the 6 foot elevation above my driveway to my door step.... so that's 11.9 feet.....then my brain went on to wonder if things do happen just by chance,or if everything,no matter how big or small,is really preordained..... if anyone that reads this has any input on how they think things happen,please leave a comment. I'd love to read it.

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@jtd573 posted 3 years ago
