How I Found Myself in the Morning: A blog about waking up and discovering who you are.

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1 year ago
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As life becomes busier, our days consist of a multitude of activities. During these hectic times, it's easy to forget how to stop and find yourself in the morning. That is what this blog is about; it's about discovering who you are by waking up. Whether your name is Henry Tolley or Honeysuckle Hobbs and whether you're a person who wakes up at the crack of dawn or does not, we all want to know who we are in the morning and what drives our day.

No Alarm: I was in a mindful, meditative state; one in which the sound could not break an alarm.

I have a hard time getting up in the morning. I'm not used to having to get out of bed, go to work and live a life I don't want. But every morning is different. Every morning I wake up and discover who I am.

No Alarm: I was in a mindful, meditative state; one in which the sound could not break an alarm. The sound was just another thing that could be ignored or ignored until it can't be ignored anymore. It's amazing how your mind can take over when you are in such a deep sleep that it feels like you're dead already.

But then there is this moment where all of a sudden, something happens, and you're awake again and start thinking about what you're going to do today. This is my favorite part of waking up: being able to think about what I'm going to do today without having any idea what it might be yet."

Wake up before the sun rises: I take my time waking up. I did not immediately reach for my phone or check social media. Instead, I make myself a coffee and sit outside, enjoying the quiet of the morning.

Wake up before the sun rises: I take my time waking up. I did not immediately reach for my phone or check social media. Instead, I make myself a coffee and sit outside, enjoying the quiet of the morning.

Get your work done first: Why waste time with your morning routine when you have so much to do? It is easy to get distracted by social media, emails, and other tasks that come up throughout the day. Before starting on anything else, I always make sure that all of my tasks are done first thing in the morning. This way, I can focus on things that are important and not be overwhelmed by anything else that needs to be done.

Have a good breakfast: Breakfast is important because it will fuel your body for the day's activities. It also gives your brain some energy so that you can start thinking about things a little clearer than you would otherwise be able to do without having eaten something beforehand.

Get outside: Getting outside in nature is one of life's greatest pleasures and benefits us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When we go out there is always something new happening around us which helps us grow as individuals and become more aware of

Sit in silence: The silence does not make me uncomfortable. It allows me to let go of any anxiety about the day ahead.

I have always been a morning person.

My mornings are full of energy and excitement, while my afternoons are typically quiet and reflective.

This is why I love waking up so early -- it allows me to take time for myself. I get the chance to be still and quiet, reflect on what's going on in my life, and prepare myself for the day ahead.

In some ways, this process is similar to meditation -- both require focus and concentration -- but there's something about waking up early that feels even more profound than sitting still with my eyes closed for an extended period.

I've been doing this for years now, and I've found that it helps me feel more relaxed throughout the day -- even when I'm faced with challenging situations or difficult conversations.

Reflect on goals and intentions for the week/day ahead: I take time to set intentions for the week as well as think about how I can serve others.

I am a person of many interests and passions. I love reading, writing, traveling, and nature. But one of the most important things that I do is wake up each morning.

I remember how hard it was to go to sleep at night. My mind would race with thoughts about all that I wanted to accomplish in the day ahead. The last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed or turn off my phone or computer.

I used to find myself lying in bed for hours just thinking about what I could do next with my life. Sometimes this led me down paths that were not so productive for me or others around me. It often felt like there were too many options and not enough time to figure out which ones would be best for me and those around me.

To focus on what matters most — myself — I've learned to let go of the idea that there are only so many things I can do with my life right now and trust that God has a plan for me even if I don't always understand it yet!

Closing thoughts: Self-discovery takes work, but learning about yourself and others is worth it.

When we set our minds to something, we can achieve it. As the saying goes, "There are no limits." This can only be true when you make yourself vulnerable. My challenge to you? Over the next month (or more if you find it helpful), go beyond your comfort zone and become introspective. Focus on your strengths and weaknesses. Talk to that stranger at the coffee shop. Tell them something about you they probably don't know (mine would be I love cheese). Make a difference in someone else's life and it just might impact yours too. Or at the very least, learn how to do laundry or floss your teeth like your mother never taught you.

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1 year ago
Topics: Tips, English, Content, My life, Health, ...
