A woman disappears inside a Clit Sucker device after turning it to full power

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3 years ago

A 38-year-old woman has been sucked into a clit sucking vibrator device that her boyfriend gave her for Christmas.

The device sucked the clitoris so hard that it sucked the rest of the girl's body, until it completely absorbed her. This girl we'll call "Karen" couldn't do anything to avoid disappearing inside her device, but she seemed happy at the time.

Her boyfriend says that Karen has always been very greedy and impatient.

  • - She should have taken it easier with this device.

Most women don't put their device beyond level 5, but Karen went straight to level 11!

The groom wants to make an appeal to the world, so that no one else has what happened to his bride:

  • - There are many people who are losing their girlfriends to the "clitoral device".

  • - I made the biggest mistake of my life to give her one of these "clitoral devices". I feel stupid, and besides, I paid for it with Bitcoin Cash.

But this was not the first case. A few days ago we knew the news of a person who had been sucked in by his "Roomba".


I will continue to report

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Avatar for falcon-node
3 years ago
