Axie Infinity: Battle Basics

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1. Game Modes

There are 2 modes of battling, Adventure and Arena.

  • Adventure = Player vs Environment (PVE). This means you are battling against AI.

  • Arena = PVP (Player vs Player). This means you are battling against other players, and you will be ranked in a leaderboard based on your Match-Making Rating (MMR), both on and off Seasons. Ranking high in Arena during Seasons come with benefit of getting rewards like AXS.

You can play on both Adventure and Arena mode with or without energies, however what you'll earn when you win a match will differ.

2. Energies and Refill

The max amount of energy you can have depends at a time and the speed of energy refill depends on the amount of Axies you have in your account.

3. Battling

Axie Infinity uses turn-based card games as the battle system. The objective of the game is to eliminate all the opponent's Axies from the battle.

In a battles, there are a few things you need to give attention to:

  1. Team formations: In general, the formation determines which Axies is going to get hit first. The frontline Axies are generally the tank and are expected to get hit early in the game. The exception to this are the buff or debuff cards, which will allow players to target another Axies, following the target rules.

  2. Attack turns: The attacking order is shown on top of the screen, along with the order numbers. This may change in-game, depending on buff and debuff cards.

  3. Energy:

    1. Arena: you start with 3 energies. At the beginning of each new rounds, you'll be given 2 energies.

    2. Adventure: you start with 4 energies. At the beginning of each new rounds, you'll be given 3 energies.

  4. Cards in hand: Playable cards you've drawn. The energy cost for a chard is shown on the top left of each card.

  5. End turn: When you are done with your choices, this is where you click to enter the battling sequence.

Other things to look at are:

  1. Rounds: To keep track of which round the battle is currently in. At round 10, the Bloodmoon Curse will start and at the end of that rounds onwards, all Axies will receive a 50 HP deduction.

  2. Cards in deck: Shows the number of cards in your deck at the beginning of previous round.

  3. Opponent's cards in deck: Shows the number of cards in your opponent's deck at the beginning of previous round.

  4. Discard pile: Shows the number of your discarded cards

Class Bonus and Penalties

Attacks and shields increment and reduction in the game.

Axie Infinity battle follows a Rock-Paper-Scissors method for the class bonuses and penalties. Kinda like Pokemon with their types. Below is the illustration of the bonuses. Note that the bonuses have changed from 15% to 10% as part of the 2020 Christmas Balancing Update.

The class bonuses and penalties works by playing CARDS CLASS against the BODY CLASS of opponent's Axie. Example:

  • ✅ +10% attack bonus: Plant Card against a Bird Axie

  • ⛔ -10% attack penalty: Beast Card against a Bird Axie

  • ⬜ No bonus: Beast Card against a Beast Axie

On top of that, there is also additional 10% bonus on attack and shield when an Axie uses cards from the same class. And the Card Class and Body Class bonuses are stackable. Example:

  • ✅ +10% attack bonus: Beast Axie uses Plant Card against a Bird Axie

  • ✅ +10% attack bonus: Plant Axie uses Plant Card against a Bird Axie

  • ✅ +10% shield bonus: Plant Axie uses Plant Card

Buffs and Debuffs

Your Axies can do more than just attacking and defending

In battles, Axies have the abilities to inflict positive or negative effects to the other Axies or even itself. The positive effects are called buffs, while the negative effects are debuffs.

You'll see the icons above an Axie in battles when it is affected by the effects.

Examples of Buffs and Debuffs in effects in a battle

There are a total of 16 effects in the game, with 3 being buff and 13 debuff. Below are the icons and details of the effects:



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