Breakfast for the fastest weight loss: Lose 10 pounds in 30 days!

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The key to successful weight loss is not only the total number of calories, but also the age in which they are taken. If you follow this diet, you can lose weight so that the weight does not return.

Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day.

Breakfast from 600 to 850 calories before 9 am act as an ally of metabolism and drastically encourage weight loss and balance hormones and burn fat.

A hearty breakfast will ignite the metabolism, but it is crucial that breakfast is rich in protein and fiber. If you follow all the rules of the diet, you can lose up to 10 kilograms in 30 days, and at the same time eat ice cream, pizza and foods that other children do not allow. With the stricter version of the Big Breakfast diet, about 600 calories are ingested for breakfast, and up to 300 calories for lunch and dinner, although there are also less restrictive versions of the diet.

It is very important that you have breakfast 15 minutes after getting up. Even those who do not feel hungry in the morning after two weeks will adjust and wake up hungry.

What can be eaten?

Each day begins with a hearty breakfast and setting aside at least half an hour to enjoy it. The example of breakfast that the author points out consists of an omelet with 3 egg whites, 50 grams of cheese, 50 grams of ham, vegetables, half a muffin with cheese, cereal flakes with 200 ml of milk, a strawberry smoothie and a chocolate cake.

From day to day, one breakfast should consist of seven portions of protein, among which are two portions of dairy products, two portions of carbohydrates, two portions of fat and one portion of sweet dessert.

Lunch consists of three servings of protein, three servings of low-calorie vegetables, two servings of vegetables with starch and one serving of fruits. Dinner consists of three servings of protein, two servings of vegetables with starch and two servings of fruit.

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