My grandma died.

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Reality, Story, Thoughts



## the juice is at the bottom of the article    # if you are catholic, a beliver and you like your life that way, dont even start reading

# YOUNG GENERATION  # not for strict, religious people. I mean, you can try, but you won't make it

#you really need to read it  #truth  #comedy  #logic  #world explained  #everything exposed, well obviously not everything but a lot  #bitcoin


One day this world, this civilization will be gone, our bodies will be gone too so it looks to me like the best way to go about this experience would be to make it as enjoyable as possible for ourselves, makes sense right? So, when did you jorked off last time, when did you ate a hagen dass ice cream?
Sadly, people who run this place have an opposite view on the situation, I mean cmmon, toxic food in the supermarket? tax offices? survillance? wars? really? I think they could start including logic in their actions.

This peace is gonna be about why we are in this situation.

You will find out:  are Illuminatti real?  what's the deal with many bitcoin's?  where the hell governments and religion came from?  how to create shameless orgys?    why people are so poor?    what's the solution to this situation? and much, much more.  Enjoy.




Lately, I've watched "Eyes Wide Shut" and it made me think about those secret societies, are they a real thing? Then that one particular scene just blew my mind.


Why would you use rituals straight from religion?  we got organs, smoke machine and super depressing chants   / -miserable ppl  

Personally, as a director, I would come up with some devil worship, satanism oriented kind of stuff, you know, more align with people perception of "dark, mysterious" secret societies. It wouldn't even cross my mind to copy catholic church playlist. Ever.

Which makes this setup particularly suspicious. Funny thing is it does makes a lot of sense. Think about it, those rituals have been used by people forever meaning they've proved themselves to work. Why would you bother inventing something new?

But it tells us few things. Those people lack creativity, energy, passion, ???   they are passive, weak. most likely old and sad. Church type of folks.

You thought enthusiastic, progressive, creative people run the world? they wouldnt pull shiit like that/ they wouldnt need ss/  

Secrest societies - so cool! so exciting! so dangerous!  Well, actually it's more like a church full of grannies with sexual addition, /probably excellent sexual addition cuz they rich or maybe they into different stuff. Ive noticed religous people have a fascination with innocent childrens.    anyway     It certainly beats the standard version.


...or maybe director just have a particular taste.


I'm joking, just check google. It's a thing. And my speculation is - this movie paints quite accurate picture of group meetings like that, of the overral vibe.

I wonder how far back in history they go. Is it as far as church itself? or maybe as far as someone told them /to shut their desires/a story that partying is wrong.     Well they were secret so how would we know.


/Moral is/  People like to have a good time and if you restrict them from that they will find a way. So who the hell came up with those rules?



while young happy ppl are partying in all sorts of establishments, old religious folks    think its wrong so they need some justification mechanism to have fun

/nature wins with rules

Why do they need convincing?     they think its inapropriete its a sin



Because what is church essentially for? Come and pretend to be miserable for an hour, while we play some mambo-jumbo, and you’re good to go! You clean, your sins are gone.     I think it's bcs live is kinda hard and ppl dont have a tools to deal with their issues, well except alco, so they start convincing thems they are gone and nothing is wrong.  It's more like a theatre really, an extremely boring one. they could at least make it entertaining

Very convenient isn’t it?  You can justify almost any behavior with some chants, 

- Yes I'm pulling scams on people but I go to church every sunday so it's all good.

 So effective. it sort of motivates you to do bad shit.



Humans are fucking masters of rationalization.  “I quit drinking, now I only drink whisky" or "I don't drink, I’m a wine connoisseur / regional beer expert”

And why do we do that? Because strict, religious people managed to convince us some/fun activities/behaviors are wrong, like drinking for example. They conveniently forgot that Jesus was DE-LI-VE-RING wine to the parties,       but they    did not forget to mention      “through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault, forgive me father!”

Some people like to persuade themselves into having fun, others into being miserable.



So looks like the main idea, the main vision doesn't matter much...

=== people will do what they want to do anyway.


For example, when someone says christianity -  ????? you think he means christianity.        Well, not exactly,  I've noticed two main versions:


Jesus version - make parties, love everybody,

church/government version - shut down parties, love everybody unless...    (you know, wars, crusades)


Interesting, same word and two different, almost opposite interpretations.


- Are you guys christians? can we trust you?    - of course! we are here because we want to help!

- ufffff..  and we thought that you want to kill us   / because you dont like our opinion/, hahaha, how silly would that be! christians who kill people!

- yeaaa thing is...      ///   We dont like Your opinion. It makes our opinion looks like it may not be THE OPINION.  And since our opinion comes from our prefrence more than from the truth,  we need to get rid of your opinion meaning you. cuz we scared to not follow the truth 


         cuz we realy like our op to be the truth    but we know its not   ///  cuz we really like God and we want our opinion to be Gods opinion

  // so we wanna help ourselves really...



//The bottom line is  People Are Kings.  

Nobody cares about THE TRUTH. It's about ME, my truth, what I want. ppl will bend ...

As a result we have many versions of the original thought created by people with different visions of how their life supossed to look like.

And that happened to religion, Bitcoin, probably anything that humans touch.         


How do you talk about ideas then?  I don't know, but if you talk about behaviors instead - what they do, it's much simpler:

- 1 this is bitcoin              - 2 no no no no no... THIS is bitcoin  

- 1 you just dumb, everybody knows this is bitcoin   - 2 YOU DON'T KNOW SHIIT ABOUT IT! THIS IS A REAL ONE! 

- 1 you stupid moron...   - 2 I KILL YOU!!!!     - 3 hey guys, I'm the real bicoin

$%^$&^%$#$%#% $$$^%^&*^%^$ %^$#$%#%$%^ $%^%^%&%&(%& ^(&*%^%^*$&$%& $^#^%$%^*^*^& %^ (% %%^ %&*%^$%% $&*(*^&% ^%&$* ^%(%( &^%(^ $^^) %&)^(& %^$(* $&^(% ^%)&% )&)%& *&$* $$( &)*%&) *^)* &)& %&*( %&$ %& %&))*(^( ^(_( &(&())^&*%$%&^


And one of them makes parties / the other one shuts them down / and the third one is there to troll the first two and watch them fight.

  The product will reflect the people. 








And that’s where it gets interesting because bcs  those types of secret meetings       basically proofs that religion stands on sexuality and having fun are just a bunch of bs,      it's just how strict serious people want to live their life, and they do not necessarily have much in common with how the world, how nature works.  / It's just people who prefer to follow 2000 yr old book than look around. /and who do you think wrote that book? it wasnt jesus

So yea, you can try to blame the church for the amount of fucked up people we have around and for the number of views on pornhub. Pornhub should really give a shout out to the church organizations. Send a golden dick to a pope or something...





Everybody wants to have a good time, everybody wants to fuck, so what do you do? Old rich people figured out sexy secret meetings with masks on, at least they got some interesting entertainment going on, not like us, pornhub and a lube.

-where are you going, honey? – ohhh we got a meeting with the boys, something about climate change tonight I'll be late

That’s actually quite fucking brilliant, we should implement parties like that everywhere. You don't bother going to the gym anymore   ...or talking, /you just put a mask on and you go str8 to business/. pornhub would be very disappointed.  

//In next month Miley Circus goes - hey guys, bring masks to my next concert, we'll talk about...  the weather.



And what that whole fuss with hiding and putting masks on is all about?

I got a feeling that if everybody in the world would look however they want to, if for example there would be only one awesome look for a man and one awesome look for a woman - every body looks the same - there would be no secret anything. Everything would be out in the open, transparent, honest and fair, like bitcoin 

And that's pretty much the shift we see currently in our society.   /we got decentralization-cryptos on the horizon,/  we got tons of hiden informations floating to the surface /

We got a bunch of young, colorful, happy people dressing however they want, doing whatever they want out in the open,  and on the other side we got old, sad, serious angry folks, deeply convinced that’s a sin/ against God.

But is it really?   or maybe it's their preference...



#A random lottery of life.  


It looks to me like we can thank nature for that confusion, to be more precise - a random lottery of life - I mean you don't really choose your body.


===>>>>Because after all who are we people?  We are our bodies, kind of, are we not? We certainly identify with them quite strongly. / We mainly identify ourselfs with our bodies, 

So, would you like to take a spin with your entire life on the line?

If you win you gonna be beautiful, happy, joyfull. Everybody will love you. Loots of sex, mansions, money and jests. Your life will be great, most likely...  unless You'll be born for example in Egypt or few other countries where they will force you to wear burka all day everyday because some guy called allah wants you to do so,  or you can end up in a fucked up family, dont worry there is not that many of them, only majority of the population, and then nothing will help you.

And if you lose - well then you are totally screwd, and I mean you're done the moment you were born. You gonna hate yourself and everything around you, you gonna be sad serious, angry and miserable for many, many many years,,.  but dont worry we got a lot of harmfull substances to escape your shity situation like alcohol, cigarets, drugs and most of them are legal because government, people who take care of the world, care about you numbing yourself so much, they even spice up already deadly substances with more toxins.          You may try to figure out whats wrong, if you do most likely you'll fail. Or you might just give up the search and live a life of a nameless weak struguling hard worker  /?potato/ like people around you. If you lucky you will kill yourself and end the pain.

I'm sorry, I think I got wrong broshure, that one was for hell. Ohhh, here is the correct one: everything is gonna be perfect, fabulous and wonderfull, rainbows waterfalls and flowers everywhere, so I'm assuming you in?  and we got 6 billion participants.     I would like to hire that pitchman       to sell air as a most deadliest weapon  to gov's way better than nuclear or bio stuff     //to sell flour as a cocaine, to a mob .   /  

We are literally playing like a truly bad ass version of russian roulette without even knowing realizing that is the case.  huh, existence must be one crazy motherfucker. This is nuts.

And humans went like "ok now since we are on this crazy hard ass adventure we should spend half of our life learning shit we dont like and the other half working our ass of in a job we hate. Yep that sounds totally adequate to the situation.     =======================



Because /if you lost that spin if you / if you dont like what/ the body| you got/ If you dont like yourself and there is nothing you can do to change that, atleast not untill recent years - there is no sexuality.      //and that perfectlly explains church and governments stands on that subject throught the entire history.

"We are soo angry. we cant fuck with eachother because we got those wierd looking, crooked bodies so what do we do?  Uhhh I know, let's build churches and convince everyone they can't fuck either!  If we can't that means it's wrong! so from now on noone cans! ughh we are soo mad.

/hmmm since We ugly/cant fuck maybe we should create secret societies and run the world? Yeaaaaa, that's a dope idea!! Lets do that! //Who cares about sex, fuck it!


So it wasn't really their preference. They didnt had much choice, It was their burden.      //  Nature fucked us good.



======================WORK IN PROGRES==================

////////   so church rejected physical part of life, rejected nature. fuck it

If you think sexuality is wrong it's like saying body is wrong meaning God or nature is wrong.  Those rules actually stand against nature. That's crazy. How the fuck billions are following them?


Who gives a fuck about a body, lets teach people skills informations, turn them into working mules  


Like a 100 yers ago it would probably hard to get your hands on shampoo or soap and

We live in a world which is rejecting physicall part of this expirience   They rejected physicall part of life


You know There was no dentists no tools to keep your body /how you would like it to be at all/ nice and clean/ and that was the case all the way back. like hundread yrs ago it was prbbly hard to get your hands on shampoo or soup, /I mean 80 yrs ago we had a fucking concentration camps and joe biden is 86?/. People are born today they assume we had stuff like today all the time so older ppl have to think like them?


Additionally till now there was no technology to replace human labor as a result people get used to treating themselfs as tools like a hammer or a horse in the field.


// Basically it's like we were living a physicall expirience not including our physicall part in it.      and we kinna still are. Yea, it's insane. Our reality, schools people will teach you how to hate yourself. And the whole planet goes ok! you are the best teachers! we really wanna learn how to have amazing life.


Till recent years there was nothing you can do about it, you were forced to live your entire life in a suit design by              randomly shaped pieces of fabric fucking with eachother not by best tailor in town.                                        randomly generated by our lovely nature           completly helpless without hope

add to it animalistic survival type of lifestyle


It's like we didn't yet develop and include our physical character into the mix, into living life, and as a result, people were treating themselves like garbage.  We were living a physical experience without acknowledging its physicality.

If you don't like your body, your life is a nightmare.

So they didn't develop their characters at all - if you don't develop that, social skills go down right after - as a result, we have the most divided society in the history of the world? I think so.       school doesn't recognize the baseline for life. hahahahaha how tha fuck is survived so many years?       Schools were built to prepare you for manual labor, and teach you as 


And that's the background older people are coming from, so I'm not surprised at all by their attitude towards the young generation.


 Our world was operating on survival mode - if you don't go out and feed yourself right now - you dead. Technology was not there yet either so manual labor was the only way to get shit done, your body was functioning as a hammer or a horse on the field.       And even if you had time and money - there was nothing you could do anyway.


Now I understand why my grandma is so happy when she hears that the government is opening a new factory, so people can work and feed themselves. That's literally how the old generation was a condition to see life.      


//And what happens when you don't like yourself? You don't like other people... you become sad and serious.

and then you become miserable,

// YOU CARE MORE ABOUT helping others than yourself - thats a disease /when you think you have to sacrifice yourself - put away your desires and wants - you become miserable and you are destroying others instead of helping



When you become sad and serious, you start carrying more about things like -  your car, politics, country, climate change - than about yourself. Next thing you know you become miserable.


When you are miserable, you think everybody else is miserable too, and you need to save them! That's why grannie is always bringing you more food. It doesn't matter if you are twice as size as the average person, she won't stop! Don't ask, she's not gonna listen. Just....   walk away

Grannie doesn't understand she's ACTUALLY hurting you! All she sees is a weak, hungry boy. That's it! That's all she ever see...  so she's on the mission of making you stronger through food. Endlessly!   "-Look at this dog.. he must be hungry!  <dog is winning a fight with a bear>  ..and that cat too!  Are you hungry? ohhh, ofcourse you are, here's lil something for ya"   It's like she's totally blind to what is actually going on in front of her! She's in a infinite, never ending loop. Doesnt matter if you weight 50 or 250.     .     .     too much love can literally kill you.

Now laugh, yes YOU.........                ...........gooooood..............                       .............while you can...........               ..............because shit is about to get real.


// when you sacrifice yourself for other you become miserable and then instead of helping you are spreading misery.

When you are miserable, the whole world becomes miserable, so you need to save it!  You start telling people that there is something wrong with it, and with them too! and with that squirrel too!  They got scared, thinking you are beeing serious and you know what you are talking about, so they buy your story and they pick you to fix everything.   ...What they don't understand is that you are on a saving mission, like a grannie! -     you see everything as being broken all the time. Fixing is all you do, just like feeding is all she does, and it never stops.   ...the last question you are going to ask if they need it.   I'm joking, you not gonna ask that.  


//Everything starts with a phrase "there is something wrong with me" which then spreads itself around.


Next thing we know, sin is invented - there is something wrong with you! - and christianity that closes parties is born "you have no idea how dangerous having fun can be, we need to save you, it's for your own good"...   And they embark on a few thousand year long adventure of convincing everybody in the world, there is something wrong with them.  Colonizing new countries, eliminating any voices of opposition     / we are saving ppl so they gotta be bad guys

   "Don't worry, we are here to help!  /we just wanna save you/  we are the good guys!  And if we are the good guys... who the hell are they?   ...they must be the devil!   ...   Dear good, dark forces are trying to stop us! what are we supposed to do? - - - - <silence> - - - - we really don't want to hurt nobody - - - - <silence> - - - - but there are milions of people out there living without the Jesus, waiting for our help! ohhh good what are we supposed to do?   --------<silence>-------  the world needs us now, more than ever! - - - - <silence> - - - - So if we have to sacrifice few unbelivers who dont help nobody, Few wild animals that can't even understand how important our mission is in order to save milions, I don't think we have a choice...  KILL THEM ALL!!         

-See? God helped us when we were in troubles. He always does. Thanks God!     ...a fucking masters of rationalization...   The scariest thing in the world are weak people using the most noble possible excusse to justify all their actions.

It got me thinking... a missionary position. I wonder how that came about...   "I'm on the mission here! I couldn't care less if you are sleeping! bam bam bam bam", it's more like a rape type of a thing really


"Road to hell is paved with good intentions"


Next thing we know - we have in place rules, and systems that govern the entire planet made by the fixers/protectors/saviours spreeeeeeding their mood all over the place, so now we are all miserable... 

If you are miserable, sad person, thats what you are going to teach through your words or through your systems or through your software. Go to church on sunday and try to find happines there or better, try to pull out a beer - they will kill you! "What the hell are you doing?  dont you see we came here to practice beeing miserable?"

That's a dangerous phenomena. A group of miserable people convinced they suposed to be that way. You never know when all that anger and frustration gonna explode. "Holy hell! They've teached me to be miserable my entire life so I can get something...  what was that again?   aghhh fuck i forgot...  when this shit finally ends!!!"   

//so church is teaching how to love one another and priests are not allowed to have girls... hmmm I think that's backwords.//     And what school does? you go in happy smiling jumping and you leave weak lost and depressed


By seeing the world as being broken in the first place - instead of fixing it - they've actually TURNED IT INTO ONE! Now we got broken people, broken economy, and broken environment...  Just like grannie sees you as being weak and her "help" turns you into a fat ass. just like...            How they think the world looks like makes them oblivious to what is actually out there.  If they think there is something wrong with it all the time, that the world is in danger and people are weak and they require additional protection that's what they are going to create.        SO THEY COULDN'T FIX SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE!


Next thing we know  - a guy with a backpack and icecream becomes a terrorist   -"we bombed all of those countries to protect you! They got backpacks, what if they bought ice cream to it?"    .     .     .     .      - and YOU, you are waaaaay too strong, you may hurt somebody so naturally we have to spy on you, to protect the people! We need to tap your phone and your computer. Ohhhh, I almost forgot, since you have waaay too much energy, and you are causing troubles to society, also, we need to take organic food away and replace it with plastic, you know, to tone you down a little bit, you understand right?   / same with pharmacy drugs, /    Helthy people are veeery dangerous.  .   .   .   .   

- money!, uuuu yes, money... do you have ANY IDEA, how dangerous money can be? Sorry, we cannot let you have more than you absolutely need to survive. It's waaaay too risky. You might buy dangerous stuff that can hurt you or even worse, hurt others!  nope, not gonna happen even in a million years, don't even ask.


- dear people, if you only knew how much harm technology can cause, and progress! progress too, going faster than a turtle is out of the picture. wayyyy to dangerous. So we need to lock away new progressive inventions like Tesla's for example. Those toys are way to dangerous. /Also buy out all new meaning obviously dangerous companies and slow their progress or just shut them down./ 


                    .     .    Did I miss something?    .     .    

BITCOIN now you understand why we cannot support bitcoin, how would we protect you from harming yourself without controling money. /so you understand you understand we need to control all the money suply inorder to keep you safe.

- free time! 

-human connection! I mean   what if people get together and start talking! they can figure out what we are doing here behind the scenes, and get a wrong impression about us! And then who will take care of them? We obviously cannot let that happen..  it's gotta go, it's gotta go...                     /// Working society is a safe society! People are the best protected when they don't have the time or energy to do something dangerous like partying.


//they are not sitting around thinking about the world or economy or politics. Then they might get ideas to do something stupid and who would protect the world then? tell me..  We've got that covered!  you don't need to worry about that at all. We are here to serve you.

 - words! how did I forget about words. Do you know how harmful informations can be? Sometimes the truth can shock you to death! So you obviously understand we need to protect you from it, it's really for your own good.  What would you choose?  few small little innocent lies..  or a nation FULL OF DEAD PEOPLE! you see? It's not that hard, and JFK just couldn't get it!  it is sooo simple, AND HE COULDN'T GET IT! What type of a leader is that? Tell me! That's not a leader, that's A KILLER!  He was willing to risk all of your lives! so naturally, we took care of that, you're welcome.  


And just like Hitler never stopped taking over new countries, just like church never stopped converting heretics, governments, or should I say grannies won't stop providing more safety for you..   Until, you are so safe, that nothing possibly can harm you...  untill you're dead.  





-OK gentleman, I think we did a TERRIFIC job tonight, we should be very proud! We truly are the great leaders of the greatest country in the world. We care so much about everyone, they've got no idea, NO IDEA. They should be so grateful to have people like us taking care of things. That's it for today, on the next meeting we will talk about climate change and some other walls I have on my mind.


- You think that we are evil? You think that we wanna hurt you? You are really really stupid you know. How did you come up with such ..... conspiracy?  We are busting our ass 12 hours a day, every day, taking care of YOUR FUTURE! and FUTURE OF YOUR CHILDREN! and the future of THIS PLANET!...   do you like your planet?  Well, if not for US that planet would be loooong gone! LONG GONE!......  and you dare to call us evil?    Look gentleman, That's exactly what I'm talking about. A BUNCH OF Filthy UNGRATEFULL ANIMALS!  And tell me, what do you supposed to do/ what would you do, when a mad dog starts biting a hand that feeds him...

- So, we've got a situation here....   you! play some depressing music and make some smoke   ...I'm terribly sorry. I know that every single one of you would prefer to avoid that, just as much as I would. If only there was another solution here...  but THOSE PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO LISTEN!   We've tried everything!  They just somehow CANNOT UNDERSTAND How important our work here really is! The future of this planet and the future of our spiecies lies on our shoulders! depends on us!   And I don't see anybody around up for the job!   

- Gentleman...  There is a world out there, and it needs us now, more than ever.  ??   So if in order to protect this planet we need to sacrifice few /wild animals.../ few ppl who are not doing anything and cant even understand us...



And blind love can be deadly...



Now, thing is, the world doesn't need saving, YOU DO! 

I mean currently, since grannie was running it for thousands of years, the world is AS MISERABLE AS IT GETS!  So yes, our world needs to be saved, very much so, and as fast as possible, FROM PEOPLE WHO ARE SAVING IT !  before they do something really really really really stupid   .   .    AGAIN !



Those people cannot help anyone, THEY ARE THE ONES IN NEED!   And they've made sure everybody knows about it, by spreading their mood all over the place. So now everybody wants to be saved. People are praying to the past heroes, building them new statues "Please come back and save us" They are not coming back people, they are dead.  We are on our own. 




----/GATES/-----Then you hear that Bill Gates is stepping down from Microsoft to become a philanthropist! I mean to save the world..  He's talking about controlling population growth and then you see governments supporting childbirth programs...  by giving away extremely-small-amount of money so the poorest, weakest people...  /I mean people who don't cause any problems to society because they are too busy being in pain../  ..can multiply faster!  - -  BRILLIANT!  - -  If I would like to spread misery, I mean to make the world a better place,  I'm not sure if I could come up with a simpler and more effective solution.     

Soooo they are creating fucked up people and then they are protecting the world from them...   by creating more fucked up people!!!    ...cmon, tell me I'm dreaming, this can't be real. And those are bilionairs, highest positioned individuals  who govern entire planet.  This cant be real.

And that's how the virus spreads itself...    /By making the world a safer place = seeing it as dangerous one = that's what they are creating.. a dangerous world.  .  .   I don't know if that's a rule but it sure does repeats itself a lot./

He's buying land across America to produce the world's best GMO's, founding progress of synthetic biology, buying plane companies to fight climate change by blocking the sun BLOCKING THE FUCKING SUN! , well such an amount of groupies can make you feel like you are smarter than nature and everything you do and say has to be correct   ....and he wants to vaccinate the entire planet. I suspect we have too much energy and we're causing troubles  ..and who will save the world then?    ...I really hope that he and everybody like him see this article before it's to late.



|||| the weaker, the more afraid you are the more you gonna bend the world/ rules. the more you need to control and take power from others. bring them to your level  and what weakness essentially is? lack of self love



Someone smart long time ago said "People who want to save the world are the ones destroying it"  well, if he would only explain that little better...   .   .   I'm joking, there was nothing people could do about it anyway without the connection, without the internet. Grannie was controlling all the sources of information, as she still does (no wonder Zuckerberg looks so sad, it probably took a lot of "convincing" to give up his baby, his vision)

I bet many tried though, and I'm not gona ask what happened to them...   - We are here to protect the people AT ALL COSTS! . . .  - we are THE PROTECTORS!   .   .   you know, an overseeing eye above the pyramid on a dollar bill. Grannie's not hiding, she's good damn proud of her work. and she won't stop making the world a safer place for you,  weather you need it or not,  or maybe for herself. 

Can you imagine? Living on this planet at any moment in history, seeing what is going on and you are basically helpless    -huh... I guess I'm gonna move to the woods then and watch nature grow 

And why? Because people didn't understand what was really happening, and they all tried to fight her. Well, look who's still around...  meaning, yeap, they all failed. And you, people, are trying to make something happen by protesting against her?  good luck

//I remember a video of a reporter confronting Jacob Rothschild   -we are not afraid! and we are coming after you!   and a smile on an old gentleman face  "kid, if you only knew how many tried..."



. ------/SOLUTION/-----Besides, when you have a miserable planet a war won't solve anything because the next government will be formed from the same type of people.  If you want to help the world you gotta upgrade the people -  your body, your speach, your social skills - people characters. So you turn divided weak sad world into connected powerful happy one and you have no problems anymore.




/////   The main thing that devides us is what we see. Our body, our skin, or should I say lack of self love. And since for the entire history we never had a possibility to do anything about it, for that entire time our world was run by individuals who needed to be smarter than everybody else in order to get validation, to be appreciated for who they are. I'm not saying that some people don't understand more than others, I'm      You need to be wrong in order to be wright.       were convinced they should care more about others than about themselves, they should sacrifice themselves, being sad and miserable in the process     

Michael jacson fredy mercury, elvis presley and so on... those are the real jesuses of this age. Church is convincing himself they are waiting for the real Jesus to come and save them but as little as they know they really really don't want that to happen. It would go against everything they led themselves to belive whether by nature or by teachings. Because the real Jesus would care about the existence, about the body and he wouldn't lie to himself about the basic things that you have in front of your eyes first thing you wake up 24/7. But you know how rationalization works.  

It's like playing a video game and picking a random, in many cases, ugly character for the whole adventure. I mean, it's doable but if you had a choice would you still pick something you don't like? So people who are against tools like makeup or plastic surgery or cosplay are the ones who claim you should play the game with ugly character                      are the ones who like or were trained to like playing their game with totally random character. Thanks nature. Fuck you.

so simple and so overlooked. the devil lays in the details they say... 

and ugly, sad, miserable people started to justify their state of being by bending all the rules and guidelines to fit their reality. And if you are alone and you think you dont deserve pleasure, you gonna convince everybody else to stay there with you.  / they rebranded fear and call it love

Personally I dont recall seeing an ugly person sad, I mean, sure, everybody have their ups and downs but in general it seems like that's how the world works. Ugly people don't do TV or porn. Ugly people dont jump on stage making complete fools of themselves, drag queens doo. Ugly people form secret societies.      That shows how huge impact on your live on your behaviour your body have.


And the thing is, you make other people feel exactly like you are feeling so if you are sad, miserable and affraid and you run the world you gonna make decisions and take actions that spread exactly that  

As a result we got school system who teaches you how to tire your mind/ exhaust yourself for a miserable life, an average salary, and an iPhone  /instead of how to develop and take care of who you are, your character first/  , politicians regarding everyone per sir and    /a covid


Shame and guilt, ladys and gentelmans, that's what we are fighting with. //a war against pleasure// Being disconnected from another human being     and feeling helpless about it thinking it's "wrong" or "immoral" or "you not good enough"   - and +  .       The thing is, minus is too righteous to reach out to plus to end it, it's more likely it will convince himselve that nuking beautiful, powerful people out is the right choice. And plus making riots it's just the same thing as minus does.     

/So we have a war that is ongoing for centuries between people who love themselves and people who hate themselfs. 


Heres a little bonus for your imagination. Why do you think egyptian or arab women are forced to wear burkas on their face? If you think about it, that regions of the world have a quite good climate, great weather, so everybody is going out a lot, I mean more than anywhere else.           those woman are too beautiful!! When you naturally have a skin colour like kardashians there's not that much more that you need.

Thinking that you are not good enough to get some. It's a world wide fenomena as you can see. 






Here is the grand joke: It's not even their fault, nature did that to itself  -  If you create humans and you don't give them the ability to alter their body, since everybody wants a hot partner, you put them on a ride into deeper and deeper misery. So, for that entire fucking time..  we were on a self-destruction mission! How nice.

Quite literally looks like that's the only way our evolution could go down, and that means...  NOBODY IS GUILTY HERE!   /Arabic women can thank nature for burkas,/   .    .   So if you are mad  -  go outside and kick a tree.

/and even if they were guilty geting angry and starting fights   wont change things for the better



We are in a place where for the first time in the history of the world shift like that is even possible. Shift from a world where you     get a random body, and you have to live with it whether you like it or not - to a world where everybody likes their character. From a world where your life comes down to miserable survival to a world where you enjoy living it. 




What can I say, time to clean it up, time for young people to take care of the world and send the older generation who's been through hell and more on a well deserved retirement.

But how? What do you do when your ultra overprotective grannie runs the world?  well, since riots are certainly not the answer here, maybe a tea or a beer? I got a feeling grannie has some interesting stories in her sleeve.



She did a hell of a job though..  Look how safe we are! Everybody chillin at home all day, you cannot destroy yourself with alcohol or drugs because you got no money, besides you don't have the energy to do that. Grannie killed it! 11/9 



My grannie told me few months ago:  -look how peaceful the city is, nobody is yelling or drinking on the streets, I couldn't be happier!

People, we are living in a grannie's dream, and that's been the case for the entire history. The only problem is...  SHE'S DELUSIONAL!  her actions have nothing to do with reality! 

///grannie convinced herself by getting together with other grannies that they are helping





People, the faith of our world is in your hands now, spread it.


 // I might turn it into a stand up, I don't know yet, I'm not sure if I want to get whacked.



//I'm not quite sure if the first part is a good fit to the rest yet, I might change some things. If you have any suggestions let me know. And if somebody with a better english skills would like to change some words or sentences to something more suitable please do and send it to me, just not too much, I would like to keep it as casual as possible.

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Reality, Story, Thoughts
