How the world works - what you need to know. /short version

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Avatar for cptn-puerto-rico
3 years ago
Topics: Information, Society

Richest, top positioned, famous people - so called Illuminati or the Family - kinda like a mafia = cares about their family first and foremost, like every other household on the planet, meaning if a neighbor is doing something scary they will put him down if he's a threat to their safety.

Because they are coming from the most strict, dogmatic, religious, serious environments for the most part - they are weak, they are slow and they don't understand human experience (f.e. pouring wikipedia into your head in school instead of developing your talents only) = they are unable to take care of the rest 99% of the population, they are doing their best though, which is horrible let's be clear.

So they need to put the rest of the society on hold, in a not threatening state, protect themselves from them - meaning weaken them up, spy on them, poison food, air, water, a minimum amount of money, work all weak, drugs, vaccines, what have you.

Best case scenario = everybody sits at home and leaves only to work while not talking to anyone else.

All the structures of this world are set up in a way to protect "the Family" like laws, courts, governments. That's why billionaires don't go to prison and they don't pay fines when they crush the economy or Epstein can create an underage prostitution ring and he's fine - he's family, just like a grandma protects her grandkids even if they are drug addicts or they kill cats - They are above the law which is created mainly for the rest of the population to keep them intact.

So yeah, when Trump says "We care about family values, moral values and tradition" he's not lying, he really means that but he's talking about "the Family" and normal people think it's about them.

And it's totally understandable I mean the world is tough enough to go around and not easy to figure out - it's completely natural behavior. The good news is the range of "the Family" is systematically increasing (thousands of years ago everything stayed in one family - from father to son like pharaons - then kings - different families - now they include celebrities, anybody who stands out really) but it would be nice to speed up that process where the family includes everybody and they don't have to fuck normal people anymore with chemicals.

Spread that understanding! Too many people have no idea how the bigger picture looks like.

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Avatar for cptn-puerto-rico
3 years ago
Topics: Information, Society
