Cursing yes or

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Avatar for ceky321
3 years ago

I find myself in that life stage where andropause begins to blur my pink glasses when the brain refuses settlements and wants to be solely at its coldly rational demands and when patience is viciously on reserve as well as energy. Every man 50+ (and some younger) will be recognized in my words.

But I do not see a tragedy in that, nor do I think that I am unhappy about it or that some dark future is ahead of me. Life simply consists of phases, ups and downs, good and bad times, we meet wonderful and dear, but also wicked and corrupt people, we kiss, quarrel, stumble and rise… We laugh, but we also swear.

As for swearing. I don’t like him, just like I don’t like those bad life stages either. But swearing can sometimes help a lot, because when we are overwhelmed by heavy emotions, we have to know how to get them out somehow, that is, we have to open the exhaust valve.

Ventilation is also needed when it comes to all other fierce emotions, so sadness should be cried, not swallowed tears. Retaining anger, frustration, disappointment, and similar demons is not good for either mental or physical health; psychosomatic illnesses are not a matter of alternative and are well known in medicine. If we are not able to process these rages into some plus, find some other way like prayer, meditation, black humor, hobbies or, if we prefer, long brisk walking, running, some strenuous physical activity, not to mention swearing. it can serve as "exorcism," and that's exactly how it can sound - creepy and frightening.

Yet, when a man is playing with fire, and swearing is certainly in that category, then there should be some rules as well.

As someone who adores words, I am also aware of their weight. Words can hurt far more than physical force. Well-chosen and targeted, they shoot exactly where the “opponent” is weakest, leaving lasting consequences and not being forgotten. This could especially be a message for parents who think they are very good because they have never hit a child, and they regularly verbally abuse him ...

Rules of "fair" swearing!

So here are some rules for swearing that I have set for myself and I try to stick to them as much as possible:

< I do not accept swearing as a form of everyday communication, nor as a way of solving problems. I am especially terrified to see children and young people to whom swearing flies just like that - the contrast of that childlike innocence and such vocabulary is, to say the least, monstrous.

I never curse what is sacred or dear to me or someone else. Cursing someone's mother or father is as disgusting to me as cursing God.

< When I swear in an argument (and this eventually happens to me in confrontations with very close people who know me well, so they shoot in black where I am a tank, I always try to make it a "general" swearing, and not that someone "chases here and there. "More precisely, I'm not directing poison at that person, but at the situation.

< Those with whom I have a superficial acquaintance will most likely never see my face. And yes, that swearing always leaves me feeling bitter, it's toxic ...

But one should know that the relief achieved by swearing does not have a lasting effect, nor does it represent a permanent solution. It’s just relieving the pressure, but the pot is still cooking. If we don’t work on solving the problem that led to the swearing, it will most likely do more harm than good over time and we will poison ourselves as well as the one who listens.

Bemmu so ein Wort!

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$ 0.90 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for ceky321
3 years ago

Comments Vrlo nije bas tu da kopiram

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3 years ago

bez komentara

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Moj deda je psovao: bem ti minutu! ili sam čuo isto: bem ti led. To su najbezazlenije psovke koje sam čuo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

varda imamo s djedovima ista iskustva moj nije bio neki pobožnik i psovka koju je stalno ponavljao kada je ljut je bila bem ti sto crkvenih vrata. Nije nikoga vređao , a crkvena vrata kao i druga vrata se nisu mogla ljutiti.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Interesen tekst za pcuenjeto, karanjeto, za psovkite. Ne sum znaela deka oa gi ublazuva fizickata i psihickata bolka. Kje go imam toa vo predvid. inaku, si sakam ponekogas da okaram-psujam.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nije lepo al nekako ponekad ti skine kamen sa srca, kad ga onako domacinski odvalis do te mere da se tapete odlepljuju :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Puno ljudi smatra da oni koji psuju zapravo nemaju dovoljno razvijen vokabular kako bi ljepše izrazili svoja mišljenja i emocije, Međutim to nekada i ima dobar učinak na nas da se u nekim slućajevima lakše nosimo s nekim nepredvidivim i lošim situacijama koje prolazimo kroz život, Psovanje ublažava fizičku pa i psihičku bol.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

poludeo sajt pola prevodi pola ne prevodi meni prijavljuje da je na nemackom post :D a sto se tice psovanja, ocekujem da si pogledao svojevremeno sovinisticku farsu, pa tu ti bas treba dobar vokabular da bi se onako nesto reklo

$ 0.00
3 years ago

sovinisticku farsu

Ako misliš na onu kazališnu predstavu koju je napisao Radoslav Pavlović i koja je igrala širom bivše Jugoslavije prije i za vrijeme njenog raspada. Od 1985. do 1988 predstava je sposobna nasmijati publiku iz vječnih razlika između Srba i Hrvata i sudbine dvoje ljudi koji su povijesno, kulturno i zemljopisno povezani. Isprva se predstava mogla smatrati kontroverznom zbog odstupanja od tada sveprisutne dogme o bratstvu i jedinstvu dvoje ljudi. Kasniji događaji raspada Jugoslavije pokazali su da je scenarij prediktor neizbježnog razvoda.

Radoslav Pavlović primio je nagradu za najbolji scenarij za tu kazališnu 11. Danima satire u Zagrebu , 1986.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

da, ta, kada diskutuju koliko bi se godina robije dobilo za psovanje

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Najvise mi se svidja ova posebna misao na poslednjoj fotografiji.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Psovanje potiče navalu adrenalina i tzv. spremnost na borbu. Tako psovanje potiče mišljenje da smo jači......i onda dobiješ po nosu 😄

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ako je po nosu onda to i nije lose.. al ako krene na drugim mestima, eeee to je vec problem. Ahah

$ 0.00
3 years ago

haha dobiti po nosu i nije toliko opasno.. možeš i vratiti istom mjerom

$ 0.00
3 years ago