and BCH, On-ramps to the Highway of Financial Freedom

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1 year ago

As a passionate reader and writer, I genuinely appreciate having an audience. Being able to share my thoughts and insights with the world on is evidence our innovations have evolved enormously. However, because writing takes enormous time, one can’t simply put work aside due to the lack of freedom that comes with not being financially independent. In this post, I want to explore the idea of financial freedom and how Bitcoin Cash and cryptocurrency could help me get there. Readers should not take this as advice because I am an amateur author, just looking for an audience. 

What is financial independence?

Capital. Cushion. Cache. Financial independence is having enough money saved up to live comfortably without needing work. By work, I mean the act of exchanging time and energy for money. Once there is the option to not trade time for money, then Reader and I are either financially free or living off the good graces of others, like mooching off parents. True financial freedom entails we've utilized capital to grow a hefty cushion and manifested a substantial pot of cache. At the juncture where the choice to exchange time for money is optional,  Reader and I will have transcended the realm of financial freedom. It's the dream for virtually everyone because it would mean having the freedom to do what we want when we desire and with whom we wish. More importantly, with money, we have more time. In the same manner, money can also buy time. 

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Predisposed by lack of financial freedom.

Without financial freedom, our time must be exchanged for money, a predisposition requiring one to expend energy for payment. 9-to-5ers and corporate employees can make a decent living, but a question should be asked: Is time spent working worth it? Are the gains worth compromising time and energy for? Maybe it turns out our idea of making a living is causing us to die even faster. Perhaps Reader and I will reflect on life at a ripe old age and regret all that lost time. How many millions of our ancestors have faced their deathbed with the burden of heartbreaking regrets? So dedicated to working we are that we have no time and energy to put forth the things we want to enjoy. That is the predisposition of the lack of financial freedom. We have to sell our time for money. 

How can Bitcoin Cash help me achieve financial independence?

My primary objective on is to read, research, write, and earn BCH. However, it would not be prudent to depend on it for great wealth, but I must retain hope. I am stacking blogs and hoping my efforts will be sufficient to showcase potential customers who need writers like myself. is a side gig, a platform to build a portfolio. If Reader has ever searched for freelance jobs on Upwork you know my meaning. There's reason to believe employers aren't interested in resumes like they used to. Instead, a portfolio carries much more weight. Besides, is yet another road like an on-ramp to the highway to financial freedom. 

BCH could help build the road to financial independence in a few other ways. To begin with, BCH is a long-term investment because its value will grow over time, unlike the value of paychecks and cold hard cash. Secondly, Bitcoin Cash and many digital currencies will eventually be the norm. Not too long from now, we're buying groceries, plane tickets, and haircuts with BCH. That's the decentralized dream, right? 

Looking at the BCHUSD chart, clearly, Bitcoin Cash could only be a small part of the equation, yet it is one part nonetheless. I’m taking advantage of it and hope Reader does too. Decentralized money is here to stay. Above all, Bitcoin Cash is ahead of its peers. Earning a steady income from writing for BCH would give you and me the freedom to quit our day jobs and focus on what I love. 

Inherent risks of depending on Bitcoin Cash for financial independence.

There are a couple of risks to consider when relying on Bitcoin Cash and crypto for financial independence. The first is that the price of BCH could fall significantly, leaving us with less money than what was invested. The second is that the network could fail, meaning you would be unable to access your funds, period. One extreme example of network failure is the internet blackout imposed by the government, as the current civil war in Myanmar. Another reason is government restrictions on the cryptocurrency itself. And let's not forget about Not-your-keys, Not-your-wallet. While these risks are certainly possible, they're by no means guaranteed to happen. Therefore, diversification is always a good idea. I believe Bitcoin Cash and decentralized digital currency is a splendid store of value, albeit a backup plan is crucial to the path to financial independence. 

When a million bucks?

Obviously, financial freedom is a subjective experience. While a million dollars may resemble a clear path to financial freedom for me, it may not be enough for those who's been there and lived it. A billionaire may consider a million dollars pocket change when someone dirt poor would think they hit the jackpot. For me, a million dollars could be enough. But considering my location and circumstances, a million bucks may not cover the remaining years of my life. Inflation is a factor, yet a million dollars is 41 times my annual expenditures. It would provide the capital to create a decent cushion but would likely not be enough to outlast my existence. 

So like most Readers here, I have been working to accumulate a million my whole life. Halfway through, a few steps closer, a little wiser, and certainly a lot more diligent and stingy. I now just begin seeing my pile of Benjamins growing more rapidly. 

Seriously, would our freedom benefit anyone else? 

Once I have reached a level of financial independence, what will I do? What will you do? Financial freedom gives us the power to choose our own path and live the life we want. We don't have to answer to anyone else, and we can make our own decisions about our future. Knowing we don't have to worry about money allows us time to focus on other things. Because we have the cache and have the time. What will we do with our precious days?

May 2, 2022: Wishing Readers wealth, health and happiness. Please comment and make suggestions.

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1 year ago


Very nice to hear. Thanks for giving constructive input.

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1 year ago

You started out funny. With the warning that readers shouldn't take the advice, that you're looking for audience. But you wrote beautifully to be honest.

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1 year ago