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4 years ago

As one gets older, his body changes. Therefore, people over the age of five are advised to include certain foods in their diet to boost body energy.

In this report, published by the Russian "FPR" website, the author Katia Takach reviewed the foods that people over the age of fifty should include in their diet:

1- Beans and legumes

As the age of fifty approaches, the risk of chronic disease increases, so adding dry pulses to the diet is an ideal way to reduce the risk of developing these diseases.

Experts say that eating half a cup of lentils on a daily basis reduces the possibility of high cholesterol by 5%. The beans help reduce the level of sugar in the blood, but as for canned beans, it is advised to wash them before consuming them because this type of product contains a lot of salt and unhealthy ingredients.

2- Oatmeal

Oats are rich in soluble fiber "beta-glucan", which helps remove cholesterol from the body and prevents it from remaining in the arteries. It is recommended to consume at least three grams of soluble fiber on a daily basis to reduce cholesterol by 5% or 10%. Studies have also shown that people who eat oats in large amounts live longer than others.

3- Apples

Each apple provides at least five grams of fiber. Apples also contain quercetin, which helps lower blood pressure, as well as vitamin C, antioxidants and potassium.

4- Nuts

Numerous studies have found that consuming thirty grams of nuts a day reduces the risk of chronic disease by 28%.

5- Leafy vegetables

Recent studies have shown that people whose diet includes leafy vegetables, such as spinach, dill and parsley, have significantly higher cognitive abilities than those who rarely eat these vegetables.

6- Berries of all kinds

According to some studies, berries are a product rich in substances that increase the level of blood flow to the brain, while reducing inflammation, and enhancing memory strength and cognitive abilities. The berries are also rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins.

7- Yogurt

After the age of fifty, a person needs an adequate amount of protein, which can be obtained from yogurt. Yogurt also contains a lot of calcium, which helps to strengthen bones.

8- Islands

Vegetables are essential products that help in maintaining health, especially the eyes, stomach, skin and heart. Carrots help lower blood pressure, regulate the level of cholesterol, and enhance the functions of the digestive system, in addition to strengthening immunity and reducing the risk of disease. The islands have a unique composition, which includes vitamins A / A, B8 / B8, C / C and K and fibers and minerals such as potassium, iron, manganese and copper, in addition to antioxidants, including beta-carotene. .

9- Beets

Beets contain many vitamins, such as vitamins A / C and C, as well as fiber, folic acid, and minerals such as manganese, calcium, potassium, and iron, as well as antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. According to some studies, beets affect physical activity, improve brain function and lower blood pressure.

10 - Avocado

Avocados are products rich in nutrients, such as copper, potassium, and vitamins. Regular consumption of avocado provides the necessary amount of trans fats

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4 years ago
