The Diamond Hints On BCH future

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3 years ago

You know it's absolutely easy to judge a book by its cover but end up in shock when it's actually being unveiled. There's lots of triggering speeches filling the air, most of which surprisingly people judge projects by mere price speculations. Yes, it is alright to pick points from price actions, but there's more and more insights to every project. Remember that price value equals market activities and in turn, market activities are solely independent. I read a couple of stories proposing a total fall in certain cryptocurrencies and don't get me wrong, everyone has their own opinions, but the crucial factor is that opinions influence further actions, so then listeners may likely yield to it and most times it never ends well, that's the fomo reaction. So then, rather than laying an opinion, which may only be viewed as merely emotional backings, I will treat this one with on-Chain data that might just make you see the bigger picture.

The Diamond Hints On BCH future

If I could shill the hell outta BCH if I could, but just as one other investor, am only viewed as a mere bagholder looking to get peeps to buy my shitcoins which in turn would render the shit bag valuable. So to totally eliminate that truth which isn't always the motive of all shilling, getting people to invest in what you believe is totally different from shilling, it's more of a come let's make money together.

However, to clear a few doubts on BCH potential future let's start with the pie chart above. No need to worry about uniqueness of displayed data, all will be sourced properly. We know that the biggest risk in crypto space is having a monster sized addressed piling tons of figures, an example of what we saw with doge some weeks back, the volume acquired by whale accounts were just too high to trust how less volatile it may become. About 50% of doge circulatory supply were sitting in idle addresses, ain't no risk greater than buying that shit at the top. Not that I am bad talking doge coin, I was actually a fan of the meme coin but when there's ever a chance of losing money, clearly spotted, there's a need to retrace our steps a bit and flee if possible.

BCH is currently trading above 450$ sadly low after peaking at just above $700, but you really can't blame any cryptocurrency for its price value at this time, as though BTC dips are taking every ship down with it. Nevertheless, as we all know that BTC charges more on transaction fees than BCH, but that does not mean shit because Investors don't care if they are paying $1M as transaction fees as long as they can make as much as $1B or $1T from initial investments. We all get the logic now and from this point everyone jumping on the crypto train should learn to deal with fees, I mean your bank has been robbing you for years and no one said shit, so here you gotta learn to give up a couple of hundred bucks to make the KS.

As a store of value that BTC is, BCH is really not BTC, they don't share the same reflection in any way, and that's what I love about it. We've had a couple of supposed new projects roll in but sadly, having just the same purpose as the already existing ones, that's a bummer and is clearly not needed.

What are BCH whale addresses up to?

I think we should all know by now that BCH is not really the investors crypto, in the sense that we don't look at price actions and whatsoever else that rather needs the qualifications of a store of value. BCH is a crypto that draws its value from easy spending methods. I don't know if it's just me but I am yet to see shops accepting ETH and BTC also agree to pay with it. What do I mean? What if I walked up to a shop and noticed we accept BTC and ETH signs there, then I purchased something and paid in Fiat. Just maybe I have some change to collect, so then I request they pay me in ETH or BTC, I'd Dearly tell you that none will agree to it, but rather everyone wants to get it but not spend it, this is where BCH excels. Whale addresses are barely doing anything, I see whale addresses locking up their assets knowing very well of what it's future tells, you know? The crypto cash everyone will need and utilize. Proof of sleeping assets on addresses here and for all charts go here

It would be absolutely crazy not having some BCH around. I get the fact that everyone can't love everything but everything that's profitable is worth going head over hills for. BCH is likely not gonna outperform BTC, neither will any other cryptocurrency I know. Right now the game is rolling out of the people's reach to be honest. BTC is moving towards being a Virtual Treasure with extreme value, and as such average lives most definitely can't have a taste, the game is to buy up high, high and high, then it blows up and they dump, you panic sell and they accumulate more back, just a simple shit to sweap it off the markets. BCH currently has about 90% of its available cash in circulation. Only about 1M+ remains uncirculated. A total of more Over 17M addresses, with over 500k daily active addresses. That's a major milestone reached and it also proves one more thing, it proves the life in it. Fiat is just one thing that circulates globally in huge figures, and in crypto space, BCH transactions hits a total above 300k daily, am yet to see a higher figure than this.

The Long Term Vision - Silent But There

Like I said, most whale addresses are locking up their assets and that's a tell to where their vision lies and what the mission entails. A number of transactions out of some major addresses still records on on-Chain data to be unspent.

On Chain Data shows some pretty diamond hands in the game, 3.2 years bagholders, despite the growing shorters, it really means nothing as though holdling hands are highly above trading volume. BTC dips are the only shortcomings every other crypto has to face at this time, BCH being inclusive and therefore showing a bearish anticipation for the near future, more and more chances are that shorters now will regret selling at under 1k, more will regret selling at 10k and it continues. But I will never regret it because I spend it like cash, rather than dump it for sometime else. BCH is serving a greater purpose that so many won't notice now, just even as ETH is still pretty underrated after all its achievements, every crypto tends to grow through this road.

The utilization of Cryptocurrency Is Only just Beginning, just make the best investments now

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