Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Price Near $881.99; Moves Up For the 3rd Day In A Row

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3 years ago


Currently, Bitcoin Cash’s price is up $5.8 (0.66%) from the hour prior. It’s been a feast for bears operating on an hourly timeframe, as Bitcoin Cash has now gone down 4 of the past 5 hours. Regarding the trend, note that the strongest trend exists on the 100 hour timeframe. Regarding moving averages, it should first be noted that price has crossed the 50 hour moving average, resulting in them so that price is now turning above it. The moving averages on the hourly timeframe suggest a choppiness in price, as the 20, 50, 100 and 200 are all in a mixed alignment — meaning the trend across timeframes is inconsistent, indicating a potential opportunity for rangebound traders.

Bitcoin Cash Daily Price Recap

Bitcoin Cash is up 2.24% ($19.96) since the previous day, marking the 3rd day in a row an upward move has occurred. The change in price came along side change in volume that was up 35.67% from previous day, but down 20.8% from the Wednesday of last week. Out of the 7 instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Bitcoin Cash ended up ranking 2nd for the day in terms of price change relative to the previous day. The daily price chart of Bitcoin Cash below illustrates.

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3 years ago
