"Bigger in My Mind"
When I told the girl I wanted her
after years of playing her games
she ignored me altogether
and told me to go on my way
I was the butt of the jokes
entertainment to pass the time
though true connection did occur
it was bigger in my mind
My best friend loved to laugh with me
and I loved to laugh with him
though too much concern was too much work
so it was best to keep things thin…
I wrote him a lengthy letter
to forge brothers once, for good
hoping to understand better
how we could be understood
The reply a dismissive sentence
“there’s no problem, leave it behind”
I guess the thing I thought was important
was bigger in my mind
My dad would lose his temper
and things could come unglued
a TV tray thrown through the glass
heart pounding when he stormed through
Later I waited, he picked up the shards
for words of understanding to shine
but he said nothing, so I just assumed
it was bigger in my mind
It seems I’ve been good comic relief
a presence to help some unwind
a willing and non-judgmental ear
a decoration on the side
These things I was eager to be for them
but can’t help, now that time has passed,
to marvel at their ignorance
when they attempt to “bridge the gap”
Search for your own lover, you told me “no”
find acceptance in new friends
in complete disregard you put me down
leading to this end:
Me and my father are alright
he tried to listen when I finally cried
but as for the others, the users, old lovers
pond-starers with vacuums inside:
I gave absolutely all I could!
my imperfect heart worshipped your best
but now that it’s been shredded
there’s just not enough of it left
I save it for my dearest ones
they deserve it, they hear me whine
and even when I may be too much
they listen, almost every time
So if you think you’ll try and remake
our shared gems that you’ve long maligned
let it go, that time has come and passed,
and now it’s bigger, in your mind