Bankroll #1 longest dapp for Tron $trx platform

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Avatar for Thirdeenette
4 years ago

Hello guys this is my first post about

The longest running dapps on tronplatform

I want you all to take a look and earn divs on this longest dapp running on platform since 2019

So what is bankroll at the first place

This is base on my experience on the platform.

For me its a defi games that create more divs every member interaction on each games they are staking

So the different of the other dapps competitor is they focus on gambling

Bankrol is not a gambling its more on staking $trx and earn dividends base on your level and deposited so why it is not a gamble. First all your deposited $trx is you can see where it goes in any games you prefered it would go to your credits

And credits would accumulate divs and if you keep on rollin you can accumulate more . All your deposited $trx is on the gaming platform you can withdraw it instantly on credits except on the Moon games cause its a long time hodling game for the bankrollers

While other dapps focusing on Gambling staking $tr while you win and pull it out while if you lost you are nothing left behind to ashes if luck turns bads

In bankroll you deposited $trx on any of there games and earn divs. So simple so easy

List of games

"Credits ,Air ,Boost ,Moon, Luck and Daily+" i would tell you all the basic strategy of these games one by one on my next article

So base on standard reputation its the one of the longest $trx tron dapps thats enhancing and still kicking dividends upto now

As you can see on the pictured attached

So this is all the useful links below where you start and earned divs right now

So when your a newbie you can start your way by installing TronlinkPro and go to there dapps

Referral for bankroll network

This is the useful link or guide to all the newbies who wants to grow with the bankroll family

Telegram only legit community


Twitter legits account for bankroll




Thats it just comment below and i will answer ur questions

By the way im Rogel

Your friendly neighbor from philippines

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @Read.Cash
Avatar for Thirdeenette
4 years ago
