The Best Quotations of 'Man of Steel'

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Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago

Ioseb Besarions dze Jughhasvili, or, as most people know him Joseph Stalin, was one of the most interesting persons ever.

Many politicians, historians, lawyers from all around the world are interested intot this man, his life, his choices, and the way he was making those choices.

We all know that he was strict and cruel, even with his close people. But, why?

Maybe, because he had horrible father, because his mother head very difficult life? Maybe, because he lost his first love on a tragic way? Or maybe because of his disability?

I can not give you the answer to that question.

But, I can share with you some of his most interesting quotations, and those quotations will help you to find out more about his personality.

A single death is a tragedy, milon deaths is a statistic.

This is very cruel, isn't it? But, when you think a bit about it, it is actually very true. When one man dies, in fire, in war, in car accident. One single name, with name, family, profession... that is very sad. Specially for the people, who know that man.

But, when milion people lose their lives, in war, in pandemic, in natural disaster, that is a statistic. For example, milion people died during the flu pandemic in 1968. No names, no professsions, no families, just a number. One milion.

Maybe, the society, the media, even the life is cruel, and not Stalin, he just said the truth. Sad truth.

It is not heroes that make history, but the history that makes heroes.

This is also truth. There are many admirals, generals, politicians... and we all know their names, but they were not those who were in any battle, they were not killing other people, they were not killed by other people. There are many nameless people, who were killing each others in wars, and who were changing history.

Many, many small people, people you will never know anything about. Statistic, numbers...

When there is a person, there is a problem. Death is the solution. No man, no problem.

Okay, here is Stalin's cruelty, he was solving peoblems by killing people who were making those problems. For him, killing someone, was the easiest way to solve the problem.

I believe in only one thing, the power of human will.

He came from the bottom, and he went to the top. He was nobody, and then he became the most powerful man in the world. Thanks to his will. He always knew what he wants. His will was leading him.

Gratidude is an illness, suffered by dogs.

Once more, he came from the mud, thanks to himself. He has no reason to be grateful to anyone except to himslef. Dog are grateful all the time, and because of that they seem very humbly. He was everything except humbly.

One one meeting, during the first couple years after tStalin became the president of the Soviet Union, one man told to Stalin that people in villages do not have enough food, that they are hungry. He said that they do not even have enough milk for their children. And, they were fighting for socialism, they gave their best, but now, they are hungry.

And, Stalin said to him "Socialism is the social revival movement, it is supposed ot make the whole country go forward. Whole Soviet Union will become powerful and rich country. And, all that thanks to socialism. Socialism is supposed to make big changes in the whole scoiety, and it is not a cow that will give milk for your children."

This is just showing us that Stalin knew his goal. He wanted to be the president of the most powerful country in the whole world. He was interested into power, and not into children.

Big wakneses are what prevent small people to become big and powerful.

Man of Steel. Dictator. Cruel man. Strick man. Evil man.

One of the most popular men of all times.

Joseph Stalin. You may love him, you may hate him, you may be disgust by waht he was doing. But you have opinion for sure.

What is you opinion about this man?

Do you have your favorite quotation by Stalin?

$ 2.04
$ 2.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago


Idiču post može ti biti o Josip Brozu. Bas mi se čita.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ne znam da li cu pisati o drugu Titu, on mi nije toliko interesantan kao Staljin. Svakako, ima i o Titu mnogo toga zanimljivog da se pise. Ali mi je od Tita nekako zanimljivija Jovanka, njen zivot je stvarno jako zanimljiv i inspirativan.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ee vidiš onda o Jovanki

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Skoro sam bas gledala neki dokumentarac o njoj. Dan danas je misterija da li je i koliko uticaja imala na Broza . Ima cak i onih koji debatuju o tome da li je Jovanka volela Tita, ili je samo volela Titovu moc, mnogo pre nego sto je postala njegova zena. Neki cak kazu da je samo cekala prioliku da mu se priblizi i da ga navede da se zaljubi u nju.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

da i ja sam čitala puno o njoj. I o tome kako je živala poslednje godine. Jesi znala da njen prednik bio i Nikola Tesla.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Whenever I see Stalin, Lenin or, God forbid, Tito ... cold sweat starts to cover me and then I look at the calendar and see that it is 2020 and that they are long gone, but these listed hochstaplers often haunt me in my dreams, and sometimes I have the impression that they follow me on the air, they did not repeat themselves, my opinion about them is everything, but really everything is the worst!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I do not think that everything about those people is the worst. Okay, many people were starving, many people were killed, many people lost everything. But, they also have done some very good things. For example in Yugoslavia, women got the right to vote after the World War Second, thanks to Tito. Soviet Union, made big steps in field of science and medicine during the age of Stalin.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

voleli ga ili ne, opravdavali njegove postupke ili ne, tesko vreme je zahtevalo teske odluke, na zalost sa nekim se nikako ne slazem ali takav je zivot svakako veoma koloritna licnost istorije

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mnogo njegovih odluka je potpuno ispravno bilo, ali je njegov nacin bio jako specifican. Bio je jako surov, cak i prema svojima, tako je na sahrani prve zene izjavio da je sa njom umrlo i poslednje njegovo toplo osecanje za ljude. Kada su mu zarobili najstarijeg sina, i nudili da ga razmene za jednog nemackog fedmarsala, on je to odbio. Prema jednoj verziji odnio je jer je njegov sin imao nizi cin, i smatrao je da za fedmarsala moze da dobije nekoga ko je za sssr vazniji, a prema drugoj verziji te iste price, uopste nije zeleo da pregovara sa Nemcima. Kada je njegov mladji sin pkusao da se ubije, srecom nije uspeo, Staljin je rekao kako je on potpuno nesposoban za bilo sta.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nemam citat njegov omiljeni,nije mi draga ličnost ,verovatno zbog potpisivanja pakta sa Hitlerom,kasnije zbog čistki a tu je i čuveno Titovo Ne!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Njegova politika je bila takva kakva je bila iz mnogo razloga. Ali je nacin na koji je donosio odluke bio jako zanimljiv. Bio je uvek odsecan, promisljen, hladnokrvan. Od samog dolaska na vlastr je izazivao mnogo paznje kod ljudi. Pocevsi od toga da jeumesto njega Lenjin zeleo da ga Trocki nasledi na celu SSSR.

$ 0.00
3 years ago