7 daily exercise that would improve the quality of your life

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3 years ago

Good friends. I hope you are all doing fine.

Please I would encourage you all to read, learn and practice these 7 exercises daily. Trust me when I say that it will improve your life in a great way.

  1. Set Goals

If you would like to look back at the end of every year to be thankful

and grateful you would need to set a worthwhile goal. In setting your

goals you would have to be SMART

1. Specific (specify the exact thing you want to achieve)

2 .Measurable(Have a scale to measure your progress towards the


3. Achievable (easily attainable) 4.Realistic (within your reach).

5. Timely (with a well-defined timeline to create urgency).

This would help you achieve better result every year. Your goals

would guide you all throughout the year and make you more

focused. It is likely to change your lifestyle, it might require you to

quit smoking or drinking alcohol and have a disciplined life.

Consider this goggle map analogy:

From your present position to where you are going, using goggle map, you would just

have to type your destination, then start driving. If your journey takes few hours you are

most likely to be directed to make several turns before getting to your destination. Once

you get there you will know because the goggle map would alert you.

  1. Auto Suggestions

If you would ever be truly successful and happy you must start by

influencing your physical or mental state by thoughts and ideas that come from yourself rather than from other people. You alone has

the power to make yourself fortunate or unfortunate.

What you say

to yourself matter most than what any world acclaimed prophet says

to you.

Cultivate a daily habit of speaking positively to yourself. In my case I

say the following every morning.

I know I have the ability to achieve financial

Authority and have great political power, therefore,I demand of myself persistence --- continuous action towards It attainment and I here and now promise to render such action.

  1. Reading

When you cultivate the habit of reading daily, you would make a

great difference in your life and people around you. When I advices

you to read I mean you should either get hardcopies of books to read

or softcopies. Get a note and pen to take jottings so you can go over

those points that cross your mind again and again.

It likely not going to be easy at first, start with just 20 minute daily reading There is no specific time or an advised time, just make sure you read

at your own conveniences. Read motivational and inspirational

books, journals, biographies etc. By doing so you are travelling

several places without paying much but for your time. You can

schedule to read about a particular thing each month. For instance

January- books on marketing. February – customer retentions skills,

March – how to rescue a failing biz etc.

Bill Gates, one of the world richest during one of the interviews with

‘’The Times’’ said he reads about 50 books a year and reading is still

the main way that I both learn new things and test my


  1. Make good social contacts/maintain good ones:

Good social contacts are hard to come by, if you are opportune to

meet one, place value on them, if you presently have one, place

value on it and make the best of that social contact. I have learnt

overtime that it require only a social contact to change one life

for a life time. Disconnect from non-productive people, nay Sayers

and negative colleagues.

With quality friends, you would achieve your goal faster and

better than the way you could ever imagined.

Check from your whatsapp group for quality members and reach

out to them. The sweetest part of this is that great people always want to relate and make friends with others who make

themselves friendly. I can’t count several people whom I had

never known but via social media we became friends and we’ve

done a whole lots together.

Make the right choice of friend today. Team that work together

wins together. Never walk alone.

  1. Exercise

Physical exercise help to improve your health and by extension the

quality of life.

It has been recommended by medical expert that;

i. One should aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily. Try to find the time for some regular, vigorous exercise for extra

health and fitness benefits.

ii. Minimize the amount of time spent in prolonged sitting and

break up long periods of sitting as often as possible.

As for me I like exercise for healthier state of mind.

A number of studies have found that exercise helps depression. There

are many views as to how exercise helps people with depression:

iii. Exercise may block negative thoughts or distract you from daily


iv. Exercising with others provides an opportunity for increased

social contact.

v. Increased fitness may lift your mood and improve your sleep


vi. Exercise may also change levels of chemicals in your brain, such

as serotonin, endorphins and stress hormones.

Look for a gymnastic Centre or a trainer to help you out.

  1. Prayer

There is a supreme being; God, he is in heavens and control all the

affairs of heaven and earth. No matter how things goes he is in

charge. I know you would like things go in your favor? Then pray to

him.Tell him everything, I mean those things people cannot do for you.

Pray to God for favor, peace of mind, joy, mercies, blessing and many

of his kindness. While you are praying, thank God, ask for the

forgiveness of your sins, pray for mercy and then present your case

before Him. He was the one that created you and he would forever

be by your side till you accomplish His given vision.

Pray without ceasing…prayer is the master key.

Perhaps this should be the first thing expected of you and I to do on daily basis.

  1. Evaluation

If we would ever achieve our set goals, We must daily access our life

consciously. You would have to make a daily appraisal of your life.

This would make you to measure your progress. I hope you

remember SMART goal settings in the first point?

Reconsider the goggle map analogy. After you have made several

journeys using goggle map within a month, you can check from your

phone visited places. This would remind you of your visited places.

Same way at the end of each day appraise your set goal, ask yourself

the following questions?

Did today matters?

Did I achieve my main goal (s)?

Did I learn anything new today?

How did I make others feel?

What can I do better tomorrow?

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Avatar for Stella
Written by
3 years ago


I set goals, I read since I am 5 years old, if today matters doesn't matter because it always matters or does in some way or to someone.

Walking and house chorus, gardening is exercise too so most if us do this for 30 minutes a day. If you ask me it's not enough.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Keep writing, you are right in what your publication expresses, everything that one intends to achieve must be measurable and achievable over time with clear objectives, in addition to having positive thoughts that help achieve the goal, not forgetting friends that complement the project, discarding those that do not bring any benefit to it., I would add that you also have to have a good diet that provides the nutrients necessary to obtain energy and innovative ideas.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good article.you did a good job@stella

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3 years ago