Record case rises in Ukraine and Czechia- COVID-19

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4 years ago

• Ukraine registered a record 2,328 cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours.

• Czechia recorded its highest one-day rise with 506 new cases on Friday.

• Madrid authorities advised residents in areas with a high level of cases to stay at home.

• Swedish prime minister Stefan Lofven insisted his country has followed the right strategy in avoiding a strict lockdown.

• Germany has added Brussels to its high-risk destination list, warning citizens against non-essential travel there; Antwerp was already on the list. Anyone entering Germany from listed areas faces compulsory virus test or two week's quarantine.

• World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus hopes the coronavirus pandemic will be shorter than the 1918 Spanish flu and last less than two years, if the world unites and succeeds in finding a vaccine. 

An employee at Barcelona's La Pepita restaurant serves customers sharing a table with inflatable dolls, designed to help impose social distancing rules.

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4 years ago


Thanks for the Corona Update

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4 years ago

This corona is not going to leave us so easily. Only vaccine can help which is still far.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This corona is not going to leave us so easily. Only vaccine can help which is still far.

I don't believe and I'm afraid of the vaccine. The world is full of lies.

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4 years ago

Corona is now coming on control but when the corona leave us only god cam say that😢😢

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4 years ago

this is a sad news , hope people will have a good health so that we could survive this pandemic

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4 years ago

This is bad news :(

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4 years ago

Just when I thought the whole world is no more under the scourge.

Boom !!?????.

The virus still lives.


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Just when I thought the whole world is no more under the scourge.

Boom !!?????.

The virus still lives.


Yes, you think the end and then the beginning again. Never the end of this madness.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It’s scary and they won’t leave us until they find us a vaccine

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It’s scary and they won’t leave us until they find us a vaccine

Ko zna do kada će sve ovo trajati.Ceo život se naglavačke promenio.Najgora godina 2020.

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4 years ago

Dolls, OMG!!! I could never imagine that one day I will be able to drink coffee with som kind of sex dolls. But, corona writes scenario for this 2020. What can we do....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Dolls, OMG!!! I could never imagine that one day I will be able to drink coffee with som kind of sex dolls. But, corona writes scenario for this 2020. What can we do....

Napisala scenariio i režirala.Najgori film koji te drži neprestano u strahu i napetosti.

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4 years ago

Bad news...

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4 years ago

to je strašno što se dogadja

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4 years ago

Totalno ćemo psihički poludeti od ovog virusa.Više ne mogu ni da čitam vesti na internetu.

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4 years ago

Some really very bad things are happening, and I really do not know should I keep following all the news. That is only making me upset.

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4 years ago

Ne treba se plašiti vakcinacije. Koliko god su masovne proizvodnje postale nekvalitetne i s nuspojavama, dva puta više su mediji zagađeniji i plaše nas napuhanim vijestima, izmišljaju, pretjeruju.

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4 years ago

Ne možeš me ubediti .Sve mi je oko korone čudno,sumnjivo,nelogično.Istina za medije,ali kome više verovati...Vakcine su mi sumnjive,svi se utrkuju da ih što pre napravi.

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4 years ago

Mislim da ove vakcine nisu pouzdane. Nisam se vakcinisala ni protiv pticjeg, a ni protiv svinjskog gripa.

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4 years ago

Nisam ni ja.

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4 years ago

E, znas da sam prestala da citam vesti o koroni i veruj mi da se osecam mnogo bolje i opustenije. Stavrno mi je stvaralo nervozu sve to. Ovako mi je nekako lakse

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4 years ago

U pravu si.Ja u aprilu ,noćima nisam mogla zaspim,čitajuci sve i svašta.Kao da sam pala u depresiju.

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4 years ago

Nisi jedina, znam o cemu pricas.. gasi sve i odmori dok jos mozes. Da nisam otisla na Vlasinsko jezero 4 dana, sa prijateljima i bez tv-a ne bih ohladila glavu

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4 years ago

COVID-19, devetnaesti put smuckan sa drugim virusom, i napravljen koktel alal im vera, ubitacan da nema dalje. Zanima me kroz nekoliko godina dali ce izaci i COVID-20?

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4 years ago

Upravo sam čula da seu dve moje drugarice dobile koronu.Mislim da ćemo je svi uskoro preležati.Tako se plašim.

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4 years ago