Pink Floyd in Venice

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4 years ago

Pink Floyd concert in 1989 in Venice. Admission was free. The capital was literally present, and as many as 100 million people watched it live on TV. The mayor of Venice and the entire city council resigned after the concert due to problems caused by the huge attendance.

One of the favorites!Koncert Pink Flojda 1989. godine u Veneciji. Ulaz je bio slobodan. Prisustvovao je bukvalno ceo grad, a čak 100 miliona ljudi je pratilo uzivo putem TV prijemnika. Gradonačelnik Venecije i celo gradsko veće par dana nakon koncerta dali su ostavku zbog problema uzrokovanih ogromnom posetom.

Jedna od najdražih!

On July 15,1989, Pink Floyd held a concert in Venice in front of more than two hundred thousand people. Framed in the foreground by the city’s famous twin columns—of its patrons, St. Mark the Evangelist and St. Theodore of Amasea—and in the background by Andrea Palladio’s San Giorgio Maggiore, the band performed from a floating platform in the middle of the Venetian lagoon, while the assembled crowds filled every inch of St. Mark’s Square, the adjoining Piazzetta, and waterfront Riva degli Schiavoni, and even jostled for a front row seat in an ever-growing carpet of boats moored within the lagoon itself. A particularly striking aerial photograph presents the scene a few hours before the band took to the stage, “mechanically repeating,” as Roland Barthes would put it, “what could never be repeated existentially.”

Yet the romantic, almost fantastical nature of this moment is somehow misleading: In spite of the popularity of the concert—a “Night of Wonders,” as certain sections of the press described it—the event provoked an outpouring of opprobrium in Venice’s always tempestuous political quarters. A number of the city’s municipal administrators viewed the concert as an assault against Venice, something akin to a barbarian invasion of urban space. Other voices, such as the local architectural historian Manfredo Tafuri, were equally vitriolic. Lecturing at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV) in 1993, just a year before his death, he spoke of how he despised the concert for being nothing more than a “postmodern masquerade”—the epitome of the frivolous discourse that characterized culture in the 1980s—and for the physical damage it had wrought on the city.Yet the romantic, almost fantastical nature of this moment is somehow misleading: In spite of the popularity of the concert—a “Night of Wonders,” as certain sections of the press described it—the event provoked an outpouring of opprobrium in Venice’s always tempestuous political quarters. A number of the city’s municipal administrators viewed the concert as an assault against Venice, something akin to a barbarian invasion of urban space. Other voices, such as the local architectural historian Manfredo Tafuri, were equally vitriolic. Lecturing at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV) in 1993, just a year before his death, he spoke of how he despised the concert for being nothing more than a “postmodern masquerade”—the epitome of the frivolous discourse that characterized culture in the 1980s—and for the physical damage it had wrought on the city.

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4 years ago


Pink Floyd veoma je poznata muzička grupa.Meni ova muzika ne odgovara previše,Ja sam više za dance muziku,disco muziku i narodnjake hahah.Ali napisala si lijep post o njima.Želim ti ugodnu nedelju.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Odlican clanak! Svojim inovativnim stilom, virtuoznošću, filozofskim tekstovima, kvalitetnom melodikom i harmonijom bend je obezbedio svoje mesto u istoriji roka i svojevremeno se zacrtao u sam vrh svetske muzike.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Bravo ti za komentar. Kao da sam ja pisao.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yes dear it's a very nice article sister💜

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you @Yeana have nice day!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Welcome dear same too you💜

$ 0.00
4 years ago

znam za koncert, razvalili su tada, to je bio jedan od onih antologijskih koncerata, definitivno onaj dobar osecaj kad nesto radis zato sto tije zadovoljstvo a ne u komercijalne svrhe

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hah SirPotato was wondering how they gonna do a concert there, was expecting some kind of a swimming boat as you showed at photos , thank you very much for great article and for bringing back to sweet old age of SirPotato, thank you my love song is great with great meaning. "peace and love" flower-potato-power

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hah SirPotato was wondering how they gonna do a concert there, was expecting some kind of a swimming boat as you showed at photos , thank you very much for great article and for bringing back to sweet old age of SirPotato, thank you my love song is great with great meaning. "peace and love" flower-potato-power

Great SirPotato with interesting comments.Wish You Were Here .Music, potatoes, life

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hvala na informativnom clanku. Ovo nisam znao. Zanimljiva je Pjaca San Marco, na ovoj slici. Hehe..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Da baš zanimljiva, ali gradonačelnik daje ostavku.Kod nas niko ne daje ostavku za sva dogadjanja u zemlji.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I u Japanu ako nestane struja, predsednik se samoubije, ako zakasni bus, vozac daje otkaz, u najmanju ruku... kod nas moze i rat da izbije, fotelja se ne da. Stvarno ova slika Pjace mi se veoma svidja, jer je nikad nisam video goru. Prosle godine jesam, kad je pukla neka cev pa je sve bilo pod vodom, konobari su sluzili u cizmama dok se moglo.. hah.. a onda su pocele one jake kise.. tako da je Pjaca ostala pod vodom a turisti stajali sa strane i sklocali svojim telefonima. 🍹

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Pa razmišljam ...i gde bi taj sav svet zbijen mogao odložiti sve te flaše i otpatke...i kako doći u toku koncerta do nekog mesta za to.Ovo je bilo za očekivati.Celo gradsko veće daje ostavku.A već Japan...Mi smo stvarno specifični...Ja sam pre nekoliko godina sa bolesnom majkom provela u vozu u tunelu bukvalno celu noć.Niko te ne obaveštava,deca plaču,vode nema ...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nazalost je tako.

$ 0.00
4 years ago