Dance Me to the End of Love-Leonard Cohen

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4 years ago

Although structured as a love song, "Dance with Me to the End of Love" was actually inspired by the Holocaust and was created after the artist devoted himself to studying World War II and the Holocaust.

Cohen grew up in a Jewish family and has always been interested in religion in addition to literature and music. That is why it is no wonder that one of the most beautiful songs of this artist is inspired by the Jewish people, that is, their suffering.

- It is interesting how the song started, because the origin of the song, every song, has a grain or seed that someone put in your hands or the world put in your hands and that is why the process of writing a song is so mysterious. But this came only from listening or reading or learning that in the death camps, near the crematorium, in some of the death camps, the string quartet was forced to play until this horror took place, these were the people whose fate was also was this horror. And they would play classical music, while their comrades were killed or burned. That verse "Dance with me to your beauty, with a burning violin" speaks of the beauty of existence and its end - the poet later said.

iako je strukturirana kao ljubavna pesma, "Pleši sa mnom do kraja ljubavi" zapravo je inspirisana Holokaustom i nastala je nakon što se umetnik posvetio izučavanju Drugog svetskog rata i Holokausta.

Koen je odrastao u jevrejskoj porodici i oduvek ga je, uz književnost i muziku, zanimala i religija. Zato nije ni čudo što je jedna od najlepših pesama ovog umetnika inspirisana jevrejskim narodom odnosno njegovim stradanjem.

- Zanimljivo je kako je pesma počela, jer poreklo pesme, svaka pesma, ima neko zrno ili seme koje ti je neko stavio u ruke ili ti je svet stavio u ruke i to je razlog zašto je tako misteriozan proces pisanja pesme. Ali, ova je došla samo iz slušanja ili čitanja ili saznanja da je u logorima smrti, u blizini krematorijuma, u nekim od logora smrti, gudački kvartet bio primoran da svira do se ovaj užas odvija, to su bili oni ljudi, čija je sudbina takođe bila ovaj užas. I oni bi svirali klasičnu muziku, dok su im drugovi ubijani ili spaljivani. Taj stih "Pleši sa mnom do tvoje lepote, uz goruću violinu" govori o lepoti postojanja i o njegovom kraju - ispričao je kasnije pesnik.

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4 years ago


Nice article. Joy makes one dance to the end

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article. Joy makes one dance to the end

yes and sad when you find out how the song came about

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

Sva sam se najezila slusajuci ovu pesmu. Hvala Vam sto ste sa nama podelili istorijat nastanka pesme i ono o cemu ona zaista peva.

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4 years ago

Verujte da sam se i ja iznenadila kada sam saznala ...covek se uci dok je ziv.Prica je toliko strasna ipak je covek najveca zver.

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4 years ago

Sto kod nas u prosveti stalno potenciraju, celozivotno ucenje.

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4 years ago